book 1 - chapter 29

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Korra's grunts of pain are completely unbearable to fathom. My brain is reeling, trying to decide if it's better for me to stay hidden or for me to reveal myself and attempt to help my best friend. This is excruciating.

Just as I was attempting to come up with some sort of rescue plan, seeing as this is Amon we're dealing with after all, Mako's flames directly fly towards the masked man; which, annoyingly, he dodges with complete ease.

"Let her go!" He orders, pain oozing out of his voice. As an awful a time it is to realize this, I see in him how much he cares for Korra, how he's risking his life for her without thinking twice. How he's doing what I don't think he's ever done for me or Asami.

Brave as it was, Mako's plan doesn't really work out as Amon bloodbends him too. I have no time left to think, no time left to hesitate. I must do something, and I must do it now.

I'd usually go about freezing Amon's feet in this situation. However, to my horror, his bloodbending skills confirm that he's a waterbender just like me. So, I can't be as nonchalant as my opponent as I'd be if he were just a non-bender. I slowly begin to augment the water out of my flasks and extend it towards both my friends. I wrap it around their waists and attempt to break them free. I start pulling with all my might. And for a second, it's actually working.

Then, I see the water splash down to the ground, and I feel my losing complete control over my body. Excruciating pain scurries through my body, making tears start to run down my cheeks.

He is bloodbending me too.

I feel my body fly away from my hiding spot and float next to Mako's. We make eye contact, the same fear running through both our minds. If we don't break free, he'll get to Korra.

I try to concentrate on my own blood and its water particles, trying to see if I can bloodbend myself free. However, it's extremely hard as it isn't a full moon and I've never even attempted to bloodbend anyone, let alone myself. Gran-Gran's stories were more than enough for me to never, ever want to be a bloodbender.

I'm slammed into the ground and I feel the air exit my lungs. I blink a few times, trying to keep myself awake and not concentrate on the excruciating pain scurrying through my body. Being bloodbent and slammed into the ground all at once isn't exactly what someone would describe as pleasant.

Once I manage to focus my vision, I see Korra kneeling, with a look of complete and utter fear in her eyes. It's clear she has no control over her bodily movements, just over her thoughts of desperation. Amon is standing behind her, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Despite the fact that he's hands are behind his back he's clearly controlling our bodies.

Amon then grabs the back of Korra's neck with his left hand, and I feel as if my entire world is coming to an end. "No!" She screams, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"Korra!" Mako calls desperately.

Once Amon lifts his other hand and leisurely places it on Korra's forehead and I know that it's happening. He's taking Korra's bending away. Think, Luna, think. At least try. This is no time for hesitation.

I close my eyes and truly try to feel the blood flowing through my veins, it's water, just heavier and denser. I can do this.

Slowly, I manage to stretch the fingers on my right hand, imagining that I'm the one bending them, that I'm the one whose actually in control. I find myself actually managing to move my arm, meaning that whatever it is I'm doing is working. I focus on the rest of my body and limb by limb I actually manage to regain control. I have no idea at all how I'm actually pulling this off, as everything I've read on bloodbending cancels out what I'm doing right now.

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