Once Upon a Time in the Waste

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—(Y/n) POV—

Catra keeps dragging me along the sand and I hate her claws digging into my skin

"Catra, hey Catra (Y/n)?, Catra?, boy you are just as fast on sand as everywhere else. Now what are we looking at?" Scorpia asks

We look to see sand and more sand and sand

"Me and (Y/n) are looking at the Crimson waste. The place Hordak sent me and (Y/n) to die. I have no idea what you're doing, as the last thing I told you was to leave me alone" Catra says

'Yep should have left when I had the chance' I think to myself

"I know and it was so Nobel of you. You pushed me away in order to save me. It just brought us closer together" Scorpia says and hugs us

I enjoy the hug but Catra is dead on the inside

"Scorpia I-" I try to say

"I'm not..you know what? It doesn't matter. Nothing matters anymore. You know what I see here? All my hard work ignored because of one mistake. My dreams turning to dust in front of my eyes.  But mainly I'm looking at that?" Catra says

We look to see a skeleton of an animal with tents attached to it

"What the fuck" I say

We walk over to it and I get nervous

"Huh. Must be abandoned. According to Force Captain orientation, The Crimson Waste is deserted" Scorpia says

"Hmm wonder why" I sarcastically say

"Yeah. It better be. I'm not in the mood to deal with-"

Catra opens the blanket thing and we see..well uh people

"People" Catra says
(Every introverts worst nightmare)

Catra gets mad and her eyes twitch

"Or that information could be completely wrong. Maybe I should have skipped orientation, ha ha you know what I mean?" Scorpia jokingly says and I laugh

Catra groans

"I hate this to Catra" I say

We all walk in and I stay close to Scorpia and we walk over to the bar

"Of course Hordak is wrong. He's a shut-in who lives in his lab and doesn't know how to do anything. Why am I surprised at this?" Catra says

Catra looks at someone sitting on a stool and grabs their cloak and pulls them off the stool

"Move it. I'm tired" Catra says

The lizard thing roars at Catra and Catra hisses and I flinch and the lizard thing runs away and Catra sits down and Catra growls at a person looking at her...jeez Catra does fit in here

"Hey, Catra, I'm not questioning your leadership here, but maybe we shouldn't pick on the heavily armed crowd?" Scorpia says

"Y-Yeah maybe w-we shouldn't d-do that" I say

"Oh, yeah? And what are they gonna do? Send me and (Y/n) out to die in the Crimson Waste? Would you look at that. We're already here" Catra sarcastically says

"Good riddance to that She-Ra girl" someone says

"Are you kidding me?" Catra says and smiles

'Oh my fucking Jack Rebney' I think to myself
(If you don't know who he is, he's the Winnebago man. Look it up it's really funny and he'll be mentioned a lot in future chapters)

You're not leaving me. Yandere Catra x readerWhere stories live. Discover now