Chapter 1

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1:00 PM October 15th 2020, Seoul, South Korea


I got out of bed rubbing sleep out of my eyes. I checked the time on my clock- 8:00 AM. Jungkook and Jimin were making a huge ruckus downstairs, otherwise I would have slept in. Anyhow, we were meant to board a flight to Canada today afternoon so I got ready and padded downstairs for breakfast, walking in on an argument between Jin and the youngest, Jungkook

"Yah, Jungkook-ah, you should be more respectful of me!" scolded Jin, the oldest in our band. Typical.

"OK, boomer" replied Jungkook cheekily. He sure knew how to make people laugh.

"Do you think I look good with the new hair?" Taehyung asked, butting in to the conversation.

"Stunning!" said Jungkook, not noticing the frown that appeared on Jin's face. "Anyway, we should go get breakfast"

We went to a place that did amazing waffles after picking up Yoongi, Jimin and Hobi from their rooms and stuffed ourselves full before going back home to pack the last of our things.

It's 1PM, we're waiting at the door of our dorm and, as per usual, Jin is spending ages in front of the mirror. At least Taehyung is acting less weird now.

"Seokjin" hollers Jimin "man we need to leave for the airport! Come on!"

Jin hurries down the stairs, nearly falling.

"Well?" he questions, spinning dramatically "How do I look?"

Yoongi rolls his eyes. He's always been a bit sarcastic but he knows how insecure Jin is. He opens his mouth to say something but I cut him off

"You look great Jin-hyung" I say, shooting a glare at Yoongi

"Thanks, Namjoon. By the way, you left your passport upstairs." he says, handing the little booklet to me.

Huh. I swear I kept it in my bag. After I stuff my passport in my backpack, we pile into the van and drive off to the airport.

6:00AM 15th October 2020, Hawaii


According to the map we we're in the same time zone as Hawaii. I'm glad to be headed to Canada. We really need the break from our careers, and it'll be a nice goodbye to Jin before he goes off to military service. We're headed to a place called Yellowknife, in a large cabin in the woods there. It's up north so we've packed loads of warm clothes.

"Kookie?" comes a sleepy voice. "Kookie, we have rehearsals now." It's Tae, half asleep in the seat next to me. I shake him awake, and he gives me an annoyed look before going straight back to sleep. Strange. Tae's never annoyed at me but I shrug it off and return to my movie, slowly drifting off

I wake up a few hours later to find the air hostess helping Namjoon with his seatbelt. In typical Mr-God-Of-Destruction style, he's managed to break it. I clip myself in and suddenly get a feeling that someone's watching me. I turn around but the only person behind me is Jin, getting his hair in order before we land. Nothing new there. Get a grip Jeon Jungkook, I think. The guys will tease me if they find out how paranoid I've been. There are downsides to being the youngest in the band.

We finally get through customs at 1:30 in the afternoon and it's been such a long trip. Jin-hyung and Tae go to hire a car while Namjoon, Jimin and Hobi buy sandwiches, leaving Yoongi and me to look after the bags.

"Don't you think Taehyung seems a bit different lately?" asks Yoongi with uncharacteristic worry

"Yeah he does seem kinda angrier," I reply

"D'you think we should talk to him about it?"

"Nah, I'm sure he'll tell us if there's something wrong. Anyway, we're on holiday, we should be more positive!" I exclaim, forcing a smile onto my face.

"Jungkook, I'm not sure about this place, I feel like we should go home" he admits, shamefaced

"Don't be stupid Yoongi-hyung, we haven't even gotten to the cabin yet. And Jin did want to come here before he left for military service" I scold

"But Jungkoo-"

"Food's here" announces Namjoon in a singsong-y voice, cutting off Yoongi's complaint

We grab our sandwiches and hop into the van. As it pulls out of the parking lot, I remember what Yoongi said and look back at the airport, shuddering. I start feeling apprehensive but Jimin soon puts a stop to that by playing Eminem. We start belting out the lyrics to Godzilla. To anyone looking in we just look like carefree twenty-somethings singing about Louis V carpets and rapping about squads. Which is the point of the hiatus. I don't know why Yoongi had to bring up such horrible things. He should have kept his mouth shut. Be positive Jungkook I tell myself forcefully. Soon I begin to drift off again and fall asleep leaning on Jin-hyung's shoulder.

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