three killers!?

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this is going to be short chapter so bear with me...

nightmare was in his office working on some paperwork, he was about to finished but then he felt a large feel of positive energy coming from with in the mansion/castle (idk).

nightmare got up from his table to try and find were it was coming from, he walk to out of his room and down the hallway to try to find the aura, it was weak but became stronger when walk near the other guys rooms but the aura was at his brightest when he was in front of killers room.

nightmare didn't think twice as he turn the nob which was surprisingly open, nightmare pushed the door open and looked inside.

suddenly someone pushed nightmare in, and shut the door close. and then a next pair of hands then put a blind fold on.

"hehe~ so this is your nightmare? he looks nice-" 

"no-! seriously why do you all ways do thi-"

"shh- naj! look at who confused he is~"

"empire...just why are- you have nightmare dont be looking at othe-"

"nah~ i rather paly around~"

"ok! who are you people!?" nightmare yelled so confused at what was happening

"ok...ok...that's enough you should stop-" killer said as he grabbed and removed the blindfold Nightmare had.

Nightmare open his eyes to see three Killer's?!

"Uh...what in the-" Nightmare said but got cut of by one of the Killers, this killer.

"Nice to meet you hot stuff~ I'm empireverse killer?" Empire said winking his eye at Nightmare

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"Nice to meet you hot stuff~ I'm empireverse killer?" Empire said winking his eye at Nightmare. (Confident/ flirty gay baby)

"Could you stop hitting on every guy you meet- Anyway nice to meet you sir I'm naj killer!" Naj said pushing empire away as he let out his hand for Nightmare.

"Could you stop hitting on every guy you meet- Anyway nice to meet you sir I'm naj killer!" Naj said pushing empire away as he let out his hand for Nightmare

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Nightmare just sat there confused, he didn't even take naj killer hand and just stared. Naj got werid out as he walked away acting like nothing happened. (Awkward/shy gay baby)

"Gezz- you alright? You seem like you've seen a ghost?, Do you need help?" Killer said as he waved his hand in front of Nightmares face.
(Calm/sweet gay baby)

"You alright?" Naj said behind original killer looking at Nightmare

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"You alright?" Naj said behind original killer looking at Nightmare.

"Oh- is he ok did my beauty stun him? Phf-" empire said holding his urge to laugh.

Suddenly the three Killer's were surrounding Nightmare all asking if Nightmares was sick or uncomfortable, or for empire case, asking if he was free later.

Nightmare said nothing and looked at the three Nightmare so many thoughts were going through his head.

Suddenly Nightmare just drop dead on the floor his face covered in blush.

"Too much!" Nightmare yelled as he curled up into a ball on the ground.

"Aww~ I wanted to tease him more!" Empire winded looking down at Nightmare.

"Uh- is he ok? Is like a magic thing or is he actually hurting?!" Naj yelled looking concern for the goop monster. (he doesn't know it's Nightmare)

"No- it's ok I guess we broke him- I told you we should have stayed at najverse"

"Can I seduce him when he's knocked ou-" empire said going up to Nightmare but naj grabbed him pulling him away.

"What is wrong with you?!" Naj said looking at empire but empire only smirked.

"Alright, you guys help me take him to his room"

Alright I'm done my love 😘

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