Part 1

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Basically Malory Towers by Enid Blyton is what inspired this. It's about Darrell's children who go to a mixed gender boarding school in America, its very similar to Malory Towers. The main character, Libby Audrey Amizon-Rivers (first name is not short for anything),  goes this massive list of things in like the span of three months before the story takes place. I know that what she has done is not possible in real life, but who cares this fan fiction for god's sake!

I'm Libby Amizon-Rivers and I'm sixteen. I'm on my way to my boarding school called Heliopolis, which means sun city, but everyone just calls it HPL or Helio for short. My male best friend for life, Julian, sits dangerously close to me.

Since it's Autumn, thousands of brown leaves fall from the trees and I grin at the beauty of nature. We turn a corner and I feel my cheeks go pinker as Julians fingers brush against my knee. It's not what you think though, we aren't a thing, I'm just blushing because I have a tiny crush on him, though I won't let that get in the way of our friendship. Well I might, you see I am a huge flirt.

Suddenly we get our first view of HPL in the very far distance, and I grab Julian's hand in excitement and squeeze it half to death. Julian doesn't react to how strongly I'm gripping him, anyone else would just assume he hasn't noticed because he's to excited to see our school, but I know better than that, ever since puberty hit Julian he's always been a bit funny around girls and as he's staring at our hands I can tell he's uncomfortable not because of my tight grip but because a girl is touching him.

I'm Julian O'Neil and I'm Sixteen. I'm on my way to HPL with my best friend for ever, Libby Amizon-Rivers, who I also happen to have a MAJOR crush on.

Every time we turn a corner my hand brushes against Libby's leg. I'm not sure why I leave my hand there, I'm considering changing my body position when Libby moves her hand to hold mine. I'm so excited that Libby lets go of my hand to shake me back to earth.

"Julian! look at our school! Aren't you excited?" Not as excited as I was for us to hold hands I thought.

I look at the place where her tanned hand was, her brown hands were smooth yet tough. They were no where near as delicate as mine were, I suppose it was because she'd done a lot of hands-on things in the holidays, she looked thinner and healthier than ever! I'd done practically nothing in the 3 month holiday. Libby hadn't done nothing, in fact I think she did everything she grew up and changed. She's still the same amazing girl I like, but now she wears makeup and designer fragrance (I knew that because I worked at a scented candle shop over the holidays) .

Libby had also told me about how she'd acted as the lead role in a local pantomime with her other male best friend Cormac. She had gotten into lots of different dancing styles and found she was a natural for ballet, jazz and hip hop. She'd joined some camping group and could now do professional first aiding, fishing, sailing, and was a beginner in rock climbing with out a harness. She'd been having special training lessons for her singing and music/lyric composing with someone who used to be really famous. She also went into detail about how she now had an agent and was going to be a triple threat with her singing, her dancing, and her acting ( she also had a personal coach for acting now as well ). I asked if she'd gotten any sleep and she smiled saying more than enough with her special routine timetable, and told me about her new special diet. At first I wondered if Libby had become an excellent liar in the holidays but when she pulled out photo's that couldn't be edited so I had to believe her. And I had to admit, I was mildly jealous.

She also talked about how her mum was now 5 months pregnant, and she'd joined some foundations, and given large donations to public facilities, she'd been to the zoo, and to two concerts, went to Canada and a few places in America for a few acting auditions, her life sounded so perfect and I was so jealous, she'd been to the beach and practiced her surfing and swimming skills ( she could already surf ). Plus she had adopted a tiny baby chimpanzee, and had a pet sugar glider. She and her family had really gotten into photography and some of her photo's were really good, with high quality definition and stunning landscapes, apparently her family had gotten two new cars with their four wheel drive they had been going to some remarkable places to taking some breath taking images. Libby's art skills had improved drastically and some of Libbys artworks framed, and she showed me her sketch book, I noted she drew a lot of clothing designs, and she said this term she was going to learn to sew. Then she showed me a picture of the most adorable dogs I've ever seen, and said that Danny, and Spice were her two new adorable Labrador puppies.

And her social media following had increased so much with more than 200 new followers her Instagram. I didn't understand how she could do all that and where she got all the money from, seeing as she now had an apple iPhone 6s+, and an iPhone X. I couldn't understand how she could practice all her new hobbies, do her homework, double the amount of horse riding she'd done last term, and be a full time best friend. Their would be no fun or games just work, and I had promised her I'd help her learn how to make different accents and animals noises, we goofed around and practiced a little and I was so surprised how naturally good she was at it i wondered aloud if she'd also had lessons at voices, which she denied and was delighted taking what I'd said as praise. To be honest I felt threatened it had taken me two long years to perfect my voices, and Libby already had the basics down in a few hours, she could be better than me before half term! After that in the back of my car she taught me how to clear my mind of any bad omens, telling me I should 'meditate' more often, and to be honest I did like it, even more since Libby had taught me it. We then fell asleep in the back of the car, and thats how we got here.

I hop out of the car with delight on my face to see HPL and a promise to Julian, I'm going to teach him something that I learnt over the holidays, and he'll teach me something. I grab my things from Julian's car, and turn around away from the car only to be swarmed in my girl friends, Hannah, my best female friend looks cute as always with freckles and red-brown hair. I love her hair so much its got a slight wave to it and you know how a boy's hair is all the same length, all her hair is the same length but 6 inches long everywhere. Lily, Bella, and Maya hit the worst of puberty over the holidays, Lily's face was covered in so many pimples she looked unrecognisable, I took pity on the three, and promised I could help them with some remedy's to help remove the acne. Alice and Tanya, the twins were wearing makeup, It looked ok on them, but realising I must be the only expert around here for make up, I told them to come speak to me later to find a foundation colour that didn't make them look orange and how to apply wings with out looking like a freak. I smiled, imagining myself as the future fashion guru.

I kiss Julian on the cheek and tell him to say thank you for the lift to his parents from me. I giggle as I walk off Julian is blushing deeply, and holding his hand to the place I just kissed him. A small, sweet smile forms on his face. His friends are staring in disbelief at him as they rush towards him. Just to remind you, I don't like him, I just wanted to see his reaction, ( and cause a little drama) which was pretty cute though.

My friends try to ask if we are a thing yet, but all i say is, 'Maybe, maybe not.' They all groan cause they know I won't give them the answer they want, and they go off to find Julian, to see what he say's. I spend the rest of the day unpacking my bags, the school has mufti so we don't need to have a uniform ever. I got out the only two weights I'd bought with me and start exercising, flexing my muscles, I need to do the exercises, but to be honest I feel like I'm showing off.

I think Libby is so confusing, she kisses me on the cheek, flirts with me by holding my hand, but doesn't tell anyone else if she likes me. I deserve to know, at the very least, all the boys know I have feelings for Libby so why don't the girls know if she has feelings for me? Not even Hannah, her girl best friend knows anything and when Hannah's lying her nose twitches, but today her nose isn't twitching so she is telling the truth.

I never tell Hannah any secrets because I know she will tell someone by accident or on purpose. I only tell my secrets to Emily, she's my number 1 best friend for ever but she lives in England, and doesn't have internet so she's basically just my pen pal.

After dinner, I teach Jenny and Julian some cool gymnastics tricks, and in return Julian helps me with my English accent and was so impressed he said I'll sound like I've lived in England my whole life in no time.

I got put into the top class with Julian and Hannah and our new teacher, Ms. Bird told us that and the end of the year the new school captain would be elected and that it was expected that everyone in our year ran for it, and suggested we participate in more extra curricular activities such as gardening and horse riding. I plan on running for School Captain. She also added how we mustn't get behind in our grades and to be good role models for the younger students. I think I'm going to have my hands full doing everything this year, lucky I'm good at school work and I won't need to spend a lot of time or study in that area so my grades won't fall. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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