Chapter twenty

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    Third POV

    The group made back to each one's home. Hinata and Kageyama were unaware of what happened with Nishinoya but the rest of the boys were worried. They didn't know if what happened would happen again. They didn't want their friend to suffer anymore in the hands of people full of hate.
    Asahi took Noya home and made sure that the libero knew how important he was to the giant ace. After what happened Noya felt a little sad but he knew that at least he wasn't alone anymore and that his friends and boyfriend would be there by his side.
    Yamaguchi went to Tsukishima's house to give him the books he bought for him. He felt somehow guilty for not being able to defend Noya better. When Tadashi arrived to Kei' s house he knocked on the door. After a few minutes Tsukishima opened the door.
    "Hi Yamaguchi." The blonde said with one of his side smiles.
    "H-Hi Tsukki. I bought you a present." Yamaguchi says with a slight blush forming on his cheeks.
    "That's very thoughtful of you. Do you want to come in?" Tsukishima asked but Yama shook his head.
    "N-No I got to go home. I just came here to give you these." Yamaguchi hands a bag to Tsukishima. "I have to go. See you tomorrow." The freckled boy says making his way to his house.
    "Thank you. See you tomorrow!" Tsuki waves goodbye to his best friend and gets inside his house again. "Well let's see." He says getting the books out of the bag to see them. "Oh." Is all that Tsukishima says looking at the three books in the bag. "These are not really my type but it was cute from him to buy them." Suddenly there's a knock on the door again and Tsuki opens it to reveal a panting Tadashi with the most embarrass face.
    "I... I... the books..." He says between breaths.
    "Hey breath ok?" Tsuki says chuckling. "Let me guess. You mistook the bags and gave me your books instead of mine?" The taller boy says with a grin on his face.
    "Y-Yeah. How did you know?" Yama asks.
    "Well let's just say I looked at them and 'The fault in our stars' , 'Love, Simon' and 'De Glemte Piger' are not really my type of book." Yamaguchi blushes a deep shade of red.
    "I'm sorry" The embarrassed boy mumbles.
    "Don't worry. I found it cute." Tsuki chuckles.
    "W-Well t-these are yours." Tadashi hands him the other bag. Tsukishima takes it and opens it.
    "'The outsider' and 'Sapiens a brief history of humankind' thanks Yamaguchi. How did you know I wanted these?"
    "Well you commented something about them and I was at the store and remembered."
    "That's very sweet. Thanks. Let me just go get your books." Tsuki goes inside and grabs the bag with Tadashi's books and comes out again. "Here."
    "Thank you and I'm sorry." Yamaguchi says walking away fast.
    Tsuki laughs from his best friend's embarrassment before going inside again.

    Sugawara POV

    My way home was quiet as I walk alone, thinking on everything. I was worried about Noya but I'm sure everything will be ok. I kept on think if Daichi was mad at me. I took my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans and dial the team dad's number. After a few seconds Daichi picks up.
    "Hi Daichi. How are you?" I ask.
    "I'm okay. How about you? Did everything went ok at the mall?" He aks and I can't help but to notice something different about his voice.
    "Yeah more less. There were some things. But it's fine now." I say.
    "I'm glad."
    "Daichi are you really okay?"
    "Yeah. Don't worry." And that's it. I know he's not okay.
    "I'm coming over and don't even try to argue. I'm not asking. I'm going." I say and hung up running to he's house.
    When I get there I knock on the door. Daichi opens the door and I hug him.
    "Well now. What's wrong?" I ask him but he doesn't answer. He grabs my hand and makes me follow him to his room. "Daichi." I call him. "Dai what's wrong? Talk to me please." I beg him.
    "I'm sorry Suga." He says hugging me and I hug back.
    "What are you apologising for?" I ask and my mind immediately starts to make a thousand different scenarios of things that might had happened. "Did... did you cheat on me?"
    "W-What? No! Never! I would never cheat on you!" Daichi says.
    "Then what have you done?" I ask fearing his answer.
    "I think I've been pressuring you to much." He says and I feel confused.
    "What do you mean?" I asked.
    "The other day when I slept at your house I kept on teasing and I feel like I'm being too much. I want to apologise because I don't want to get things too fast and if you're not ready for those things yet I understand. I'm just a jerk. I would never do anything that you don't want to but sometimes I feel like I loose control and and-"
    "Oh my God Daichi calm down! It's ok. I'm not mad or anything. You're not being to much! I'm sorry if you get that idea." I say trying to calm him down giving him a hug.
    "But-but that day you seemed so quiet. I thought I did something wrong." He said and I chuckle.
    "Silly! You did nothing wrong! I was quiet because I was thinking about some things but it's nothing to worry about." I say kissing him. He kisses back and pull apart a minute after.
    "I'm sorry for worrying you." He apologise.
    "I'm sorry for worrying you too." I apologise. "Oh! I got you something! For making you feel better." I give him the manga and the figure.
    "I love it so much! Oh my God! Thank you! You didn't have to but thank you!" I says happy.
    "It's nothing." I say and he puts the things down on his desk. I go from behind and hug his waist. "Now about that other thing..."


Thank you so much for reading! I know my story sucks and my writing is horrible But thanks anyways!

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