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TW: Tying up, Binding, Restraints, Mention of broken nose, punching, Hydrotherapy, Freezing cold water, Isolation, Non-Consentual and Forced Undressing, Forced Shower, Ice-Cold water,  Use of the words: "Lunatic, Insane, Crazy" to describe people with mental health conditions.

The lights in Dr Sanders' office are very unforgiving.

My legs are crossed under my chair and my ankles are binded together. I can't fully remember how I got here, but all I know is that it involved a lot of kicking and screaming.
My arms are also binded together infront of me, on my lap. Dr Sanders sits in a comfy office chair on the other side of a large mahogany desk with various papers scattered around it.

"I consider myself to be quite a nice man, Virgil. Over 400 patiens I've cured of their insanity." I flinch at the use of the word again.

"Tell me this, Mr Blair. Do you remember me asking you if you were going to attempt to harm any of my staff?" I nod slowly, too much fear is welling up inside of me to allow me to speak.
"Good. Good. Then, why, exactly did you?" He didn't once raise his voice, it feels like this man is trying his best to give me the benefit of the doubt.
"I-I- I d-don't kno- don't know, Sir."

"Hm. Well, you know I'm not going to be able to let you get off breaking one of my best doctor's noses."

I broke his nose? I didn't realise I punched that hard. I just wanted him to leave me alone. To leave us all alone.
"You'll be in an isolation room for the remainder of the day, and you will not be served dinner. Doctor Eller won't be thrilled with how easily you've got off, but it is first offence. I shall not be as kind next time."

I sigh in relief. I know it could be so much worse.

"Do remember that your treatment starts first thing tommorrow morning."


I wake up the next morning and I feel horrible. The beds in isolation are a million times worse than in the room I'm meant to be in. It's like lying on a stone slab. I'd guess that it's quite early, but I've no way of telling. This room is tiny. They brought me in here after my meeting with Dr Sanders and I groggily fell asleep.
This room has white walls and a blue-gray floor. There aren't any windows, just a large metal door.

I place my feet firmly on the floor and walk towards the metal door. I place my ear to the door and hear some light words. I'm leaning against the door when it opens from the outside. I quickly make an effort not to fall over, and it pays off. I look up and I'm face to face with Remy.

"You're awake then." I don't say anything back, I just look at him, so he continues.
"Good, because your treatment starts in fifteen." He grabs my wrist and starts to walk out of the room, dragging me helpplessly behind. I try my best to ignore all the stares I'm getting from nurses and other patients who are walking around freely.

After about three corners are turned we end up outside a door. Remy knocks on the door and somebody opens it.
The man standing before me is about average height, wearing a beige waistcoat with some grey trousers and a light blue tie. He also has some thick-framed glasses on.

"Remy! Do you how do?" He smiles, at Remy.
"Good, good. This is Virgil." Remy says, patting my back as I look towards the man.
"Virgil! My name is Emile Picani, I am the head hydrotherapist here."

"He's got four hours to start with. I'll come get him when he's done."

I'm absolutely baffled that I haven't said anything yet. When we walk into the room, I'm shocked.
Theres three showers placed onto tiled walls. Only the richest houses have showers. They were only invented a few years ago.

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