Chapter II: Baseball Time (Part I)

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Excusing yourself from the others that had also arrived early, you take in the fresh ambience of the environment before wondering where a certain duo had gone off to. Though already having an assumption with such ease, you glance at the time through your watch before deciding to add yourself to the pair. You narrow your gaze to adjust to the intense lighting coming from the sunlight, moving forward to where you knew Koro-sensei would be located at along with the students of his. Gaining momentum, your speed gradually starts to increase before you found yourself sprinting and having your presence be hidden within some bushes as you searched.

It did not take too long for you to find the two, carefully placing yourself behind them before letting them know of your presence by gently tapping their shoulders. Sugino had been startled, luckily keeping it silent before he looks at you with Nagisa muffling his short gasp in surprise with a hand. Acknowledging your presence, you, Nagisa, and Sugino are carefully hiding behind some trees, observing the target while waiting for the right time to strike. About to witness a solo attempt and already observed the possibility of eliminating the target quite lesser than the expected outcome even with the class working altogether, you had no high hopes with this one. 

Challenging yourself, you observe Sugino, noticing the item he carries and connecting it to his skill left you to look forward with his attempt despite the low success level. Gazing at your other companion, you viewed Nagisa eagerly looking at his notes before concluding that he informed his friend about the target's whereabouts, earning a mental praise. Focusing on the target, Koro-sensei is sitting on a beach chair while reading a newspaper while occasionally enjoying his drink. Having a good weather, it is a good thing to be outside for a moment as he also still have time to enjoy the situation before the start of class, though it would be limited soon enough. 

"In America, the moon is also what they talk about. I wish the front page news were more interesting." Despite having the straw of his drink be held in between his ever smiling feature, Koro-sensei mused, continuing with his relaxation while faking ignorance of his students.

"He relaxes before class with a drink and an English newspaper he got from Hawaii at Mach 20." Maintaining a cautious gaze at his target with a bit of sweat dripping on his forehead caused by the built up tension, Sugino recalled before he glances at Nagisa to express his thanks.

You could only mentally express your disappointment, knowing that Koro-sensei has a good sense of hearing as you let your palm cover half of your face while Nagisa replies without tearing off his gaze at the current page of his mini notepad, nodding prior to it. "Yep. Good luck, Sugino."

Appreciating the effort Nagisa made of trying to progress through observing the target, especially the weaknesses, you smiled in awe while giving a compliment before suggesting. "It's cool that you took some notes about the target. I know some of his weaknesses, wanna know?" 

Already knowing that a conversation will no longer affect the situation seeing as you are certain that Koro-sensei knew about his hidden companions the moment the duo first arrived, you are left amused with Nagisa's reaction that he tried to be subtle with. "You know his weaknesses?!" 

His hand held a page of his note that is partially filled with the information that you manage to read, impressed that it takes quite a dedication to gather such data. The observation only took approximately two seconds to accomplish that caused the absence for confusion from him because of your lack of an immediate answer. Not wanting to delay it further as it'll only bear no satisfaction for him whatsoever, you gestured for him to minimize his exclamation that caused him to be distracted. Feigning nonchalance with his statement, but silently cheering him on with improving his observation skills that are still very dull, you sheepishly smiled before shrugging. 

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