Chapter Two

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I hop out of the shower to the incessant ringing of the doorbell.

After quickly towel drying myself off, I throw my long black hair into a braid, tug on some whitewash jeans and a plain white T-shirt, and jog down the stairs to see what all the commotion is about.

Mama K, our pack Alpha female, is already inside sitting across from Brielle on the sofa in the living room. Her honey cinnamon scent fills the house, soothing me even more after my awful dream.

"But I'm telling you, sweetheart. That Beta of theirs is a twitchy fella. He's friendly enough, but he's seemed so distracted this morning. Marvin was asking him questions earlier, and the kid wasn't even listening."

"What?" Brielle shakes her head. Alpha Martin is one of the kindest, gentlest men I know, but at the end of the day, when an Alpha speaks, he or she commands attention. "What was he doing?"

Mama K shrugs, a mischievous smile on her face. "Staring off into space, nose in the air. If I didn't know any better, I'd think..." Her attention diverts when she notices me coming down the stairs. "Oh, good morning, Lora, baby! Come sit with us and entertain an old gossip."

I bend down, kiss Mama K on the cheek, and groan, "Coffee,"

I trudge past them both into the kitchen where a fresh pot has already been brewed. Ugh. Brielle is a true lifesaver.

After pouring myself a cup, I take it into the living room and curl up in one of the chairs I often use to read in, eager to hear whatever she has to say.

"The Blood Moon Pack is here already? What are they like?"

Mama K's generally enthusiastic smile dims just slightly before she can recover it, and my stomach immediately swoops. I have a bad feeling about this.

"Oh, they're just like any other pack. Gruff on the surface, but I'm sure they're kind shifters."

"Well, what are they doing now? Aren't you and Alpha Marvin supposed to be meeting with them?"

Mama K's eyes glint, the eyeshine of her wolf flashing in the light. "The Blood Moon Pack Alpha requested to speak with Marvin alone. Man to man."

I bristle at the idea of Mama K, the Alpha female of the pack, being excused by a male. She's equal to Alpha Marvin in every way. They make decisions together, not apart. And more than that, the Blood Moon Pack are petitioning for our help. They need us more than we need them, right?

"I don't understand." Brielle's leg starts bouncing, a tell that she's growing increasingly agitated.

Mama K reaches out and grabs Brielle's hand in her own, squeezing it tight. "You know I look at you girls as if you're my own. Marvin and I... We couldn't ever conceive an heir to the pack. Every day, we grow closer to retirement."

Dread, pure and hot fills my belly. I didn't expect this. Not in my worst nightmares. But I can feel what she's about to say coming like the static charge before a bolt of lightning.

"I may not look like it to you girls, but I'm an old woman." She smiles sadly. The Alpha pair are more than old. They're ancient as far as Alpha's go. They've served as Alpha's of the Willow Creek Pack for over five hundred years without challenge. "I'm afraid that the time has come to let a new Alpha rise. The Blood Moon Pack have recently lost their territory to horrible fires in the west. We're going to use this year as a trial period for their Alpha to take over the pack and try to integrate the two."

"But Mama K..." Brielle and I start at the same time.

Mama K lifts her hand to silence us. "I know you don't like it, girls. But we're left with little options. Marvin and I are being called to the Elder's Table. We'll only be able to come back to Willow Creek infrequently throughout the year. That's why I need you girls to monitor everything for me while we're away, alright? Can you do that?"

Being called to the Elder's Table is an honor that can't be turned down. Only the most qualified Alpha's are ever promoted to Elder status. Alpha Martin and Mama K have to go. It would be selfish of me to beg them to stay.

"Of course, we can," I agree.

"Good," she smiles at me. "I think they'll need some strong women like you two to help them find their way here."

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