Red roses

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For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
-John 3:16


Some defined Red Roses
as passionate love,
But for me it means
'True Love.'

Do you know why it's red?Do you have an idea where it's sprouted?Then listen my beloved,

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Do you know why it's red?
Do you have an idea where it's sprouted?
Then listen my beloved,

These roses you're going to receive
Contains all the love I want to give
For my Love to thee is unwaved
Even if sometimes you're naive

These roses you're going to receive Contains all the love I want to give For my Love to thee is unwavedEven if sometimes you're naive

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Why it's red?

My blood watered that roses,
For 3 hours on the cross it's dropping without ceases,
To fulfill the Father's promises
And to save you my dearest princess.

My blood watered that roses,For 3 hours on the cross it's dropping without ceases,To fulfill the Father's promisesAnd to save you my dearest princess

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It's sprouted at the foot of the cross,
The cross I used to show you my love without cost
Though earthly power and Authority I've lost.

I lavish you with so much love,
It's intense and unconditional love.

I gave up everything out of love for you:I left Heaven's throne for you,I accepted human nature for you,I endured humiliation for you,I suffered pain for you,I kneeled on the cross for you,I died for you,

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I gave up everything out of love for you:
I left Heaven's throne for you,
I accepted human nature for you,
I endured humiliation for you,
I suffered pain for you,
I kneeled on the cross for you,
I died for you,

Yet I resurrected for you,
I ascended for you,
I seated at the right hand of the Father to intercede for you,
And I will come back again for you.

Why is that so?
Simply because I love you so.

                         Your Divine Lover,
                            Jesus Christ 😘.


#Some Red Roses/
Picture Collections:

#Some Red Roses/Picture Collections:

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❤️❤️❤️❤️A/N:  All honor, glory and praise to our Lord Jesus Christ, now and forever

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A/N:  All honor, glory and praise to our Lord Jesus Christ, now and forever. Amen!🙏

Hello to all God's beloved like me,
How are you doing?
How did you feel after reading the poem?
Did you cry?

Please dimme through writing a comment or you can pm me dear.😉

I'll be waiting for your responses!

I would like to dedicate this part to these three lovely ladies Lazylexa Miejoy1622 and corbantulip. Thanks dear for the wonderful comments and unfailing support. Thanks too for letting me know how the poems have touched your heart and came to taste the sweetness od God's love and honestly your encouragements and feedbacks have touched my heart and inspires me each day to love poetry.

Thanks & God bless you all!

                       _God's Beloved 😘


A bouquet of roses from the Divine Lover (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now