Oxygen's lament

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Oxygen's P.O.V.
O's always been the favorite. My Mother's favorite, Mu ex girlfriend's favorite, heck even my favorite! But why did he have to be H's favorite. I really like her. She was so confident and smart not to mention beautiful... but of course she likes O better than Oxygen.

I can hear them now... going at it like they want to start a new universe or something. And I'm here. Nothing but a failure.

My whole life I've been compared to O. Even though we are pretty much the same, he's always seemed to be preferred.

You know what! I'm done being compared to O! Even if he is the most beautiful man I've ever seen! I can be just as beautiful!

I march right into the room in which H and O are trying to bond and declare "I'm beautiful too! I know we've had our ups and downs O! But I love you!"

After my big announcement I notice that Hydrogen and O were not doing anything, in fact it seemed like they hadn't been doing anything but talking for several minutes... no bonding. Did that mean O wasn't able to satisfy H?

O looked at me. "You love me dude?"

"What?" I said dumbstruck.

"You said you love me"

"You did" he said looking deeply into my eyes.


"I love you too. You know I've always been scared to say it. I've always been kind of intimidated by you. Your so smart and funny... all I am is a hottie."

It was my turn to look in his eyes.
"Your my hottie"

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