Tantalizing Secrets

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A/N: In honor of drinking far too much this past weekend, here's an update to show off a little bit of the aftermath of one of Gatsby's parties. Cheers! 

Chapter 8

Nicole didn't know how long she had sat out there, but a feeling of abandonment crashed over her like the waves breaking the shore.

Jordan had not returned. Mr. Gatsby had not returned.

She felt terribly lonely even though she could still hear the party in the background. Things were starting to slow down inside and Nicky noticed when the big band had been replaced with a pianist, the slow and drawn out notes pulsing in her head.

It was time to go home. They weren't coming back.

She stood without much grandeur, losing her footing in the sand. Nicky was still zozzled from the drinks even though her head was less foggy than before, and she blamed her heartache on the alcohol. She sniffled slightly, but shook her head quickly to snap out of it.

There was no reason to fuss. She was stronger than this.

As she stepped inside she noticed the lack of attendees. It was getting late, and the stragglers were chatting and laughing quietly in their own groups, oblivious of the staff cleaning up the drinks and the balloons around them.

She had a hard time believing that this was an easy lifestyle to uphold. Nicky couldn't wrap her head around throwing such great parties at the rate that Gatsby had been conducting them.

The party was new and exciting and different than anything she had ever seen, but Nicky felt a rock in her belly. She was a fish out of water as she made it to the front of the house. There were bankers and models leaving in their beautiful cars, and she leaned against the railing overlooking the front lawn and the driveway.

She felt far away from it all. The people and the cars all seemed to blur together.

"Nicole!" She heard a holler, and turning quickly she saw a red in the face Jordan Baker approaching quickly, wildly.

She practically caught Jordan as she stampeded into her arms.

"Hey you." Nicky replied quickly, her bubble of nerves falling to the wayside. "Did you get lost?" 

She joked, but it was as if Jordan wasn't listening.

"I am the absolute worst!" Jordan was speaking quickly, an apology on the tip of her tongue. "How long was I gone? Too long! But it makes sense. Oh Nicky, it all makes sense!"

She was rambling away, and Nicole set her hand on Jordan's hand to steady her. Her hands were clammy. Clearly she was shaken.

"Jordan what are you talking about?" Nicky let out breathily.

"Oh!" She exclaimed. Her eyes went wide in realization. "Here I am tantalizing you and I swore I wouldn't tell."

She swore?

"You swore?"

Nicky didn't know whether to be surprised or upset, but whatever Jordan had learned was not her business.

She must have been shaken up a good deal because as she looked over Jordan's shoulder she spotted Mr. Gatsby at the top of the steps. He was watching them. What in the heavens were they talking about?

"My lips are sealed." Jordan mimicked zipping up her lips and throwing out the key, but her amused expression didn't quite make it to her eyes.

"That's a mean trick." Nicole puffed out, but she softened at Jordan's frustrated appearance.

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