chapter 10

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Dahyun pov

"Dahyun get up and pack your thing!" Someone said and they shaking my body  and i realized that is mom and i shock i quickly stood up and i saw mom packing my things and dad pulling shannon

"Unnie help me!!!" Shannon shouting begging "unnie!! Huhuhu unnie!!" She said crying trying to pulled out

"Mom what are you doing?!" I said angry tone

"What i doing? Huh you need to go with us!" Mom said pulled me and grabbed my things

"No!!!!!" I said pulling away

"Im your mom!" Mom said angry tobe

"No!!" I said begging then i opened my eyes and realizing its just a dream

Jimin pov

I awake dahyun i think she have bad dream because of her mom dubu said while dreaming 'no mom no leave us alone'

She opened her eyes fast and catching her breath i quickly get the water near by me and give it to her she drank it but still she catching her breath

"Jimin mom will take us but i dont know why" she said to me and she holding her head and act like panicking

"Dont worry i dont let anyone hurt you dubu, anyone" i said and i hugged her then shannon came from stairs

"Unnie?" Shannok asked curiously then dubu saw her and dubu quickly grabbed shannon wrist and hugged her tight

"Whats wrong unnie?" She said yawning

"Nothing sis did i wake you?" Dubu asked fixing shannon hair

"Not really i just little bit tired and sleepy*yawn*" shannon said yawning and they sit and shannon head is in dubu laps and our sis sleep

I sit beside  dubu and i put her head in my shoulder so she can sleep as well

"I think your tired too, just sleep in my shoulder and dont think about it anymore, dont worry me and sis is here for you..." i said sweetly and we all pass a sleep

Time skip

We do our meals and we took a bath too i let my manager to pick my clothes today because its special day eunice and i are officially

"Bro whats up Why did you take us down here?" Jin said and give me a hi five

"I have a good news!" I said excited

"What you pass this years and not only mercy?" Yoongi asked

"That is good new and  lucky if really happened to jimin hahahahha" tae said and they laughed

"Stop teasing me! Its about me and dahyun we are officially couple" i said and they sad face

"Good luck!" Jungkook said and tapping my shoulder

"Poor dubu ah.. why jimin?" Namjoon said and tap my shoulder

"Whats happening guyz do you not happy for me!" I asked

"We are happy but for dahyun poor dubu" tae tae said and all tapped my shoulder and my back then they left me behind

Dahyun pov

"Guys listen dahyun have announcement!" Jihyo said to all twice and they expression is so excited

"Dahyun what is it?" Momo asked excited

"Me and jimin is now officially couple!!" I said happily

"Really?! Nice to hear" jeongyeon said happily too

"Stay strong dahyunnie" tzuyu said "good luck for you dahyun i know jimin will love you until the end" chaeyoung said

"Go go dahyun!!!" Mina said cheering "go go dahyun! Go go dahyun!!!" They all said and i covered my face with my hair because of shy

"Dahyun love him until the end and jimin will love you too until the end" sana said

"Sana your getting matured this few days" i said happily

"Really i though it was a joke!" Sana said and we laughed

"But truly your getting matured even you the older than me" i said and we laughed again

And we done talkimg we go to our locker and my phone ring i answered it and its unknown number

"Hello?" I asked to another line

"Dahyun" i shock when i heard dad voice and i hung up fast because of nervous

Sorry for not updating 

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