No Shame

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John loved babysitting Elliot. He reminded him of his partner.

Usually, they spent the day playing hide and seek, had lunch, then either napped or watched cartoons until (Y/N) came back. John thought today would be just the same, except for one thing.

Sherlock was home today.

The detective was slumped down in his chair, fingers steepled and pressed against his lips. John called his name, but there was no reply. "Sherlock!"

With a groan, he opened his eyes. "What."

"I'm going to need you to...not be yourself today, okay?"

"Because Elliot is here?"

John was glad he understood. "Yes, Elliot is here and we're going to have fun today, isn't that right, El?" he set the boy down, but immediately Elliot left his side and was staring wide-eyed up at Sherlock, not saying a word.

"John," he spoke, staring down at Elliot. "Come get the child."

He nodded even though Sherlock couldn't see and tried to get Elliot to come with him, but Elliot wouldn't budge.

"Hi," Elliot spoke softly. He was enraptured with Sherlock. The detective sent John a side glance, who only shrugged.


"Elliot, this is Sherlock." John decided he might as well humor the situation. "Sherlock, you already know that this is Elliot."

 "Nice to meet you, Lock." Elliot giggled. He liked him already, despite knowing him for a solid five minutes.

 "SHERlock." the detective enunciated, hoping he caught on. "Pleasure, Elliot."

 John chuckled. "Sherlock, he's only six."

 "Six and a half!" Elliot corrected.

"I like him."


The detective gave John a small smile before it disappeared. "Introductions are over. I have work to do."

Right. Sherlock was trying to solve a case Mycroft had given him a week or so ago. He was close to finishing it. "We'll notify you when it's lunchtime. Come on, Elliot."

But Elliot didn't budge. Instead, he crawled up onto Sherlock's chair, trying to sit next to him. "Elliot," John said. "Hang on, Sherl-"

"He's fine."

The blogger raised an eyebrow at that. "Excuse me?"

"Just leave Elliot be. As long as the child is quiet, I can get my work done," he spoke, closing his eyes to focus.

John shrugged, heading to the table so he could work on his latest blog.


The boys sat like that for a while: Elliot admiring Sherlock. Sherlock focused his case. John quietly typing on his laptop.

Mrs. Hudson had come by with tea, gave Elliot a kiss on the head, and then she was gone again. Half an hour into sorting through his mind palace, Sherlock had solved Mycroft's case and was patiently waiting for something new to do. Another case to solve to keep the game going.

And Lestrade delivered not too long after.

"I'll be there within the hour," Sherlock told him, snapping his phone shut. He was grinning like a child on Christmas morning. "Oh, it's brilliant, John! Absolutely brilliant! Serial killer; they're always fun."

John nodded as he finished his typing. "Well, have fun."

That caused Sherlock to pause. "What?"

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