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It all begins at the time

A soul vouches to be his representative in the world

To be the ambassador of one and only prime

To be the righteous on his created pearl

From the day the soul is embedded in the jisme

Till the day it's pulled out mercilessly by Azrael

We are no one but the followers of the divine

If it's all written already then why do we love, why do we feel affinity towards beings when in the end all which will matters is what the creator has written for us. Why were we appointed with the ability to love, to decide, when in the end he is the one who has decided everything. It can be changed though as what his mother used to say. Every day was the same; with the same monotonous routine, the same voyage on which Abdullah asked the Lord to change his fate on every breath for the existing one was killing him from the inside. He wanted to set things according to his thoughts and understandings. Every day all he desired was for the fate to unfold and bring in something new. Every day he wanted her to approach him, talk to him and be a social being. She won't do it ever and he discerned it for it was against the dignity of a girl, against their grace. Men were the ones who have been initiating it and will initiate it as long as the world stands and don't crumble down. I can do it maybe, he thought. I can crash into her some day for the reason to notice me and then act aloof, ignore her so only then she will be attracted towards me. It was what he heard as a beguiling way. Why don't i write her a letter, a secret one for it would be a good way to lure her close? He admired every girl for every single one born was born beautiful in her own way but she was the one who has caught his eye and since then occupied space in his thoughts. Though there have been other members of the opposite gender who have gotten his attention but she was the one who stayed in him, who made a place, made a mark on his mind, who seemed to have touched his soul. He wasn't sure if she was the one written for him but he wanted her to be in his life, he wanted her to become a part of his soul, he wanted the Lord to make amendments in his fate, to write her name in his fate if she wasn't there. Only if it was made easy, only if the pain was ceased and it was revealed what was there in the book of life. The agony of the hidden fate was always there to hinder the enthusiasm, the ambitions in life but he was sure it can be changed for whatever it was.

He needed to satisfy the lord, required his love for it was capable of changing anything but it was something he didn't believe much in. He had faith in his mercy, believed the creator will forgive everyone no matter what we do for after all we are his creation. He was caught in the idea that whatever he does he will be forgiven for he was born a Muslim and Muslims are the most loved by the Lord. Every single time he set eyes upon her a surge of happiness passed through his entire body. It was the moment of happiness, moment of fulfilment and a moment which ceased every motion in the body.

"Here she comes here she comes" Abdullah whispered in astonishment while pressing Sudais with an elbow. He was watching her come all the way down the stairs through the transparent glass, the glass for which he became utterly grateful now. She was as usual walking as if she didn't want the world to recognize her as a human being like them. Staring at the ground while she steered her way on the land looking up with a quick movement of the eyes for she wanted to navigate safely, touching her right ear again and again as a habit though there was nothing there which seemed like disturbing. The hair including ears was all packed in the scarf which was usually the colour of the dress she wore. A scarf she wore because of influence of the religion and will remove it for the influence won't be long. It was burgundy for the dress carried the similar colour flowers. Matching of the colours was something she seemed to care about for he mostly saw her following a synchronized pattern. There were times when she wore different colours but made sure they looked good on her soul. She was beautiful, more beautiful than the rest. It was like her soul was one of the finest forms of light created. Her face shone with light, the light which reflected prettiness, which ameliorated it in every way possible. Her beauty was unusual, atypical to the rest of girls he has ever seen. Sudais started eyeing around the table looking for something new, not hoping for one of the girls which Abdullah always admired.

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