"Your mine!" Serial Killer au part 2

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I'm such a freaking clutz, like how many times am I going to trip or bump into stuff! I ran into a wall and lost my glasses, then a cute stranger found them for me, then I fell on top of said stranger. Sigh will I ever change? Just then I feel something or someone touching my ass. I swear I am going kill the fucker. "Oh hell no, BISH! If you don't get the freak off of me!" I kick the pervert in his balls and crossed my arms when he fell to the ground, then I realized who I kicked, oh god. "OH MY GOSH, OH MY GOSH, I AM SO SO SORRY!"I cover my eyes in embarrassment and Dante puts his paw on his face in a face palm. I quickly run into the school blushing like crazy.

I still can't believe I did that, I kicked Hiro in his balls!!!! What in the actual hell is wrong with me? I have some very serious problems, and everyone knows it. I rush to my first class, and I'm the first one there. I sit in the very back so no one can see me. Now that I think about why was he back there? I look behind me to see my phone in my back pocket, I must've dropped my phone when Dante pushed us into each other. He was giving it back to me!

"Ahhhhahhhahnn!!" I groan, why!?!? He was just trying to give me back my phone, and how do I repay him? By kicking him in the balls, that's how. Ugh sometimes I am just so useless! I put my head on my desk and wrapped myself with my arms in shame. Why, why, why? Just why me? Suddenly I heard the door open, I flung my head up in surprise, only to see that it was the teacher. She looked just as surprised as me, I guess none of her students come to the classroom this early. Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm about 10 minutes early!

"Oh! You gave me a fright there." She laughed quietly with a smile on her face, then she put her stuff down and came over to my desk. "Well I'm Mrs. Raven, you must be Miguel." She grins while she holds her hand out for me to shake, I take it and shake it lightly, "it's nice to meet you, Mrs. Raven!" I let go of her hand and smile lightly. "Well how does it feel being the youngest kid here?" She asks me with a questioning look. "Well it actually feels pretty scary, to be honest." I sigh and look down at my hands in my lap. "Hey." She puts her hand on my shoulder, which causes me to look at her.

"Don't worry I'll help you, you're going to be just fine and plus you deserve this it took you a lot of work, time, and effort but you got in, right?" "Right." I get up from my seat and hug her no one has ever shown me this much kindness before, well except Coco. "Well Miguel, I'm going to set up for the other students, do you want me to introduce you or?" "No not really" I shrug, I was never a people person, so being in front of a bunch of people, not really what I do.

"Well how about you introduce yourself in your seat instead of coming to the front?" She suggested, well I guess it would be better since I would get to sit down right away. "Ok." I say back, "great!" She sits down in her seat and marks me off the ascendence. Well today's going to be interesting, I put my head back on my desk and think about what I'm going to say.


"Owww!!" I scream out in pain after Miguel runs off. "Hiro are you ok?" Honey lemon asks with worry in her voice, "yeah I'm fine." Ha barley, like I just got kicked in the nuts by the guy of my dreams, so yeah not ok. But damn he has one hell of a kick and it's so freaking hot! "Well come on guys let's just get to class." Go Go says unfazed by the situation. As I head to class I think about all the ways I could make that boy mine.

After school (because school is boring, and here's some of that serial killer stuff I was talking about)

Time for another murder mission, I saw a guy pressing up on Miguel, like there was no tomorrow telling him how much he wanted to get him in bed. Of course senpai just politely turned him down cause he didn't want any trouble. Now he's going to DIE, DIE, DIE, DIE! I keep on making a stabbing motion in the air, pretending that he's right there, but now it's time to do the real thing. I quickly follow him to his house, when got in I throw a knife at his head and killed him, was so satisfying watching him bleed out.

I grabbed my dagger from his head and wiped it off on his clothes. "Bye Bye Ryan!" Senpai will be mine! And there's nothing nobody can do about it. Well better get back home before aunt Cass gets worried. I hurry home and lock my door, Tadashi and my friends went to a party so I'm all alone with aunt Cass, but she's in her room, so I can do the one thing I've always wanted to do. I'm gonna get ready to make me and Miguel permanent!

I hop out my window with a rope, and head to Miguel's house and sneak through his window. He's looks so peaceful sleeping, sigh I could watch him all day. But I still need to make me and my feisty hot pepper official. I tie him up and drag him to my second home, where no one could find us. I put him in a chair and just in time! He's waking up! I stand in front of him and he opens his beautiful brown eyes.

"Huh? Hiro? What are you doing?" He looks around only see that he's not in his room anymore and struggles to get out of the rope. "Baby don't do that, you'll hurt yourself and we don't want that." "Why did you bring me here, you Murderer!?!? He questions me in a harsh tone and is glaring me down, oh I love him so much!

"Well baby I want you to be mine! There's no harm in that is there?" "Yes, yes there is. A lot of harm!" He scolds me, still struggling, sigh when will he learn he will never, never ever leave me?

(The song kind of goes with This little situation.)

"Come baby give me a chance?" "No, and stop calling me that." "Why baby?" " I said stop it!"
Miguel was not cooperating and it was get me very angry "you will love me forever!!!" I scream at him. Miguel is mine, he belongs to me!!! NOBODY ELSE CAN HAVE HIM!


Nobody has ever shown this much kindness before, no one has ever wanted me this badly before. This is a whole new feeling, my heart's beating out of my chest, it feels like I'm going to explode into pieces. I think I love Hiro, how did I fall in love with my kidnapper? I don't know, do I regret? Surprisingly no I don't. "Well I'm not gonna let you go ever!!" Hiro screams "can you at least untie me?" I ask, "fine, but if you try to escape I'll find you, and never let you go again!" He unties me and I run up to him, trapping him in a warm in brace. "Thank you for loving me!" I hug him tighter, afraid to let go, for the fear I might lose him. He hugs back, then we pull apart, but it didn't stop there, I grabbed his face a kissed him on his lips. The kiss was sweet and his lips are so soft. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer, I wrap my arms around his neck. The kids started to get heated, he grabbed my thigh and held it at the side of his body, I slip my hands in his hair, pulling him down further to deepen the kiss. We finally pull apart, panting, our foreheads pressed together, and staring in each other's eyes. "Awwww~~ so you do like me~" Hiro purrs with a sly grin. "S-Shut up!" I huff, puffing out my cheeks, my face beat red. I look down at floor, but Hiro licks my neck causing me to look at him. "You're mine, don't you ever forget that." he says in a dark tone, his breath against my neck, kissing it now and then. "A-all yours." I shiver as his tongue trails my neck.

I live with Hiro now in his secret second home, but I visit my family daily, they are overjoyed to see I finally found someone special, and Hiro stopped killing people, but he didn't hesitate to slaughter anyone that touched me the wrong way. But I am really happy, I may be crazy for dating a serial killer, but I don't care, he loves me and I love him, and. That's all that really matters.

(Well that's the end guys I hope you enjoyed the one-shot I have other stories to work on though so I'll update when I get the chance, Bye!)

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