Chapter 6

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At 10:00pm I’m studying but my mind is not here at all. Thabo never called me I’ve been staring at
my phone for the past hour and a half. Does this mean he didn’t get my voicemails plus sms?
Let me go to bed I have an early morning tomorrow. Said my prayers before bedtime always at least
varsity life have not changed me in that department.
Beep…an sms comes through as I was about to close my eyes.
‘Sorry babes my fone had a problem it’s sorted now, u must be in bed by now. Goodnight’.

My face lightens up immediately. I have airtime that my mum sent me let me call him. He picks it in
just one ring like he was waiting for my call…
“Thabo where were you? I’ve been worried.”
“Hey sweet sorry about today I miss you lots, how was your day?”
“I missed you too and I had a bad day.

I was embarrassed my phone rang in class dude! can you
imagine”…he’s laughing. I tell him all about it including the box carrying but I don’t even touch the
call and the ‘meeting’ tomorrow with the lecturer.
“I’m sorry babes I know you needed me, be careful next time. Let me not finish your airtime I’m
supposed to be calling you anyway not the other way.”
Ncoaaah he’s so sweet when he likes I love him for that.

“It’s ok love let me sleep I’m in bed anyway, goodnight”
“I love u don’t forget that” – he says. I love him too he knows.
My alarm rings at 5:30 am, time for my morning jog I do it three days per week it helps me to
unwind. I will do 2 km today it will be enough it’s not like I want to go for S.A supermodel or shit like
that. I’m outside the gate when I see Thabo coming down the road, he runs to meet me with a warm
hug plus a kiss.

“Where are you going this early?” I ask curiously.
“To jog with you” He answers.
He does look the part dressed in running shoes and tracksuits. Wow! I’m impressed I know he’s
feeling guilty for being AWOL yesterday. We’ve been dating for a year now I know him very well.
“Ok Thabo I appreciate that a lot but please don’t run faster than me ok?” I say that because Thabo
is taller than me I know his walking steps are equal to my running steps.

“I won’t do that Amanda.” He says that giving me an assuring look.
I’m very excited about this, he has never done this before with me to even know that he’s been
listening to me when I mention the days I go to jog on. I’m amazed never knew he pays attention to
smaller details. He holds my hand as we continue jogging. I wish we could do lots more stuff together because to tell you the truth we are the couple that does not spend the snuggle and cuddle
time you’d swear we stay cities apart.

Thabo is always busy with his work and sports but I don’t
complain. I know he’s a final year Chemical Engineering student so sometimes I understand and
besides I don’t want to be a nagging girlfriend. One of my exes said that I was too clingy I didn’t give
him space to breathe apparently that was his excuse when I found out he was cheating on me. I
‘learnt’ my lesson.

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