"jealous?" Chapter 12:

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So um hi haha i accidentally published this hehe but then unpublished it because it was not finished yet i am so sorry🥺✌

A few weeks have passed after Yaoyorozu's sprain and it has healed (Amen,she's always injured🙏),Aizawa sensei mentioned a Trip
Students still don't know what their doing their
Besides trainning because exams are starting soon

Tommorow they will be leaving,Mr.Aizawa said that they will be there for 2 days,Class 1-A starts packing for the trip

Momo's POV

Mhmm.. I am having a hard time what to pack since i don't know if it will be cold or hot for the next 2 days...well i could make my own jacket or clothes,I'll just pack what I can find it also must be fashionable,you need to dress to impress but not to glamourus...I need to think and focus,I should also ask Shoto for his opinions..

Shoto's POV

Yaoyorozu's thinking really hard what to pack,I can see her zoning out while staring at her clothes...

I'm already done packing,I wonder why she's thinking so hard I tried talking to her but she's zoning out so much,tried turing off the lights but nope I need to find a way to catch her attention
Since she isn't paying attention much I have alot of time to think what i can do

2 minutes later

Mhmm since that idea crossed my mind I can't think of anything else,should I try it? It may be a big risk tho..

Few seconds later

Okay I'm gonna do it...sigh hopefully she won't get mad or anything..here I go...

I positioned my self beside her, I quickly leaned
my lips were about to land on her cheeks but then she moved her head facing to me and I can see her reaction,her face was like asking what was i doing but too late i ended up kissing her on the lips,I swear I didn't mean too she quickly turned red and I pulled away my self,seeing her face she touched her lip then ran to our bathroom and i heard the lock

Oh shoot did i mess up?! Ofcourse you did! Is she crying? Oh no..I knocked on the door of the bathroom I said I'm sorry and explained my self
To her that it was supposed to be on the cheek or i guess suppose to be a joke?

As soon as I said my explanation,she opened the door and it suprised me but when she opened it she quickly goes for a hug she said she was too
Embarras to say anything so she just naturally go to the bathroom

I hugged her tight then she gave me a kiss in the cheek just a fast one,she then let go and went back to her suitcase and then jammed anything she could find,I could tell she was just shoving anything she could lay her hands on, so I said
"Can I help you?"

Momo's POV

REEEEE  I ran to the bathroom idk was it a reflex??! Well sooner or later Shoto told me he was sorry,to be honest didn't really expect him to say sorry it was clearly my fault that i ran it must've scared him but i also explained my self
And then I even gave him a kiss on the cheek
I don't know why i did that because when he kissed me i couldn't handle now that i kissed him on the cheek not even in his soft lips
I freaked out inside,like it was HELLLLLLLLL
i shoved everything i can find,didn't even choose

He offered me help,he's so sweet! Such a gentleman,gosh I'm so lucky for about 2 hours we finally finished

The next day later

Todoroki's POV

We woke up early,kaminari was almost crying because it was too early,what a baby

We were linening up to the bus, I saw the other class,they look similar to us

Then I saw Awase,looking at Momo who was already in the bus sleeping near the window,she was leaning she indeed look so peaceful and beautiful

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