The ACTUAL Date!

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After school, Trent met up with me again. "Hey, umm, about the date..."
"Yeah? When do you wanna do it?"
"Are you free right now? It doesn't matter what you're wearing..."
"Sure!" Where were we going to go?
"Okay. Gimme 5, I need to talk to DJ. See ya!"
My phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out.

One new text message.
From Courtney Barlow, 16:35
Hey Gwen! Duncan is still being an ogre.🙄 Can we meet up on Sunday? Today's Friday, so I've got clubs.

I texted her back.

From You, 16:36
Yeah! Sure. I'm not free today either, but Sunday is perfect!! :)

One new text message.
From Courtney Barlow, 16:36
Okay!! Cool. What are u doing tho?

From You, 16:37
I'm going out with Trent ;)  You should go out with Duncan sometime. 😏

One new text message.

From Courtney Barlow, 16:38

NO WAY! GO OUT WITH THAT OGRE?! NO. JUST NO!!! Have fun with Trent tho ;)

From You, 16:39
Whatever. You so dig him 😏 bye! cu :)

"Ready?" Trent asked.
"Yeah. Let's go!"
"Come on!" We started to walk down the pavement.
"Where are we going anyways?"
"You'll see." He opened a small gate that led to a huge field. In the middle was a classic picnic mat. "I thought we could just talk, you know? Have a nice time."
"Wow, Trent. This is REALLY nice!"
"It's not fancy or anything..."
"It's simple! I like that!"

We ended up staying until 6, talking about ourselves and the problems we had. I learnt that Trent LOVES the number 9. Like, A LOT. So, yeah. I told him about my annoying brother. Turns out he has a younger brother, that plays the flute. Trent said he was Grade 6 guitar. I was beginning to like him more and more.

"So," he said. I could feel his breath; we were that close. We both moved closer and closer.

Very soon, the space between us was closed. I love him.

On my way home, Courtney texted me again.

One new text message.
From Courtney Barlow, 18:16
How was it? Or are you still with him? ;)

From You, 18:17

It was awesome. We just sat and talked, and then...

One new text message.

From Courtney Barlow, 18:17

Ohh! Nice 😏

From You, 18:18

Oh, shut up! 😊

Today was a good day.
Hey ppl! This story has more than 70 READS! Ily all 💕 Sorry if this chapter was short, though.  ヾ( ̄▽ ̄) Bye~Bye~


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