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Who's gonna help you cook the dinner and what will you cook?

Aries ~ Bokuto - he will want to make a cake for the dinner but you sadly refused. You made curry.

Taurus ~ Tsukishima - it took a while to convince him to help you but you were determined to see his cooking skills. You made sushi.

Gemini ~ Tendou - you two tried to make SIMPLE RICE. It was a disaster.

Cancer ~ Iwaizumi - it was his idea to cook dinner and HE had to convince YOU to help him. You made tofu.

Leo ~ Yaku - he was too short to reach the bowls at the top of the shelf so you had to help him. You made udon

Virgo ~ Ushijima - it was kinda awkward at first, but later on it was really fun to cook with Ushijima - you made soba.

Libra ~ Akaashi - when you asked him to help you, he immediately went up to kitchen and asked what are we cooking. You made miso ramen.

Scorpio ~ Aone - he didn't talk much so you cooked togheter with music in the background. You made onigiri.

Sagittarius ~ Tanaka - he was screaming while cutting vegetables (just like he's hitting the ball XD) You made chicken soup.

Capricorn ~ Lev - he made fun of you when you couldn't reach the ingredients that were placed a little bit too high for you. You made oden.

Aquarius ~ Asahi - he was too scared to even pick up the knife so you had to do most of the job. You made sushi.

Piesces ~ Terushima - at first he was all like 'MY COOKING SKILLS ARE THE BEST' but after 5 minutes he needed help to boil the water. You made ramen.

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