The secret- description

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Mother: a woman in relation to a child or children to whom she has given birth.

Father: a man in relation to his child or children.

You love your mum and Dad.

Your mum and dad loves you.

Your mums love you….Your dads love you…..They both love you so much! They are your parents after all.

Mums and Dads are caring, loving, they are their when you need them, feeling down, they tuck you into bed at night, read you bed time stories, make you laugh and look after you when you’re feeling sick or scared. They would never dare to touch you in a threatening way, never try to harm you, never hit you, make you do things you don’t want to do or would never ever hurt you….Or would they?

My name is Lidia. I was born like any other child on this earth. I have parents. I have a house and I have a bed to sleep in at night. The one thing I don’t have is a father who loves me. My mother loves me as any other mother would for their own child, but my father hates me. I sure haven’t done anything to him. Not that I know of.

The first day I was born….he hated me.

Despised me. Never wanted to look after me or even look at me.

I was a disgrace to him…to the world he would say…I was a disgrace to the world!

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