chapter 4

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sorry guys tis one might not have paragraphs because im writing it on my laptop... which is why im not going to even bother to edit ..... to many words but i might edit though who knows depends on my mood

Blakes Pov

The man stared at me, waiting for my reply. Which he never got, I just simply stood up and walked away. This must have angered him because he threw his hatchet in my direction, which stuck to the tree in front of me, just above my head. I Iooked over my shoulder to see him standing there, glaring at me through his googles. "Answer me." He demanded. I sighed and turned around. "I'm guessing your one of them." He seemed confused by my words. I sighed and spoke as I spoke. "No pain, hint." He tilted his head in confusion before things started to dawn on him. He pointed a finger at me. "OOOHHH! I know you!" He started to approach me as I started walking backwards, but not long after did i back into that tree i mentioned earlier. He trapped me between his arms and just stared down at me. As he then lifted his arm, At first i thought he was going to touch me till he reached above my head. He pulled the hatchet from above me outta the tree. I could feel the heat of his body radiating on to mine.

He spelt like pancakes.

He finally spoke up,"Your tiny." I sighed, pushing him back I started walking again. He ran up behind me, following me. "Do you have to follow me?" He nodded. "Yeah cause im bored." I sighed. "Then can't you go chop down some tree's?" He shooked his head,"Nah last time i did that richard got mad." Who this Richard is should keep this kid in the house. "Don't you have anything else to do,or can do for fun." He shook his head, he stopped for a second, then shook it again. " Then what do you do for fun." He smiled."Kill!" I mentally facepalmed. "Hey! Dont't get moody i could kill you!" i rolled my eyes. "Go ahead i don't fear death." That seemed to have surprised him. I took that as an advantage to walk ahead. I seen a flash from my side. It was quick but I caught it. He ran to catch up and i put my arm up making him stop. "Were being watched." I simply said. He laughed. "Your in slender forest your all ways being watched." I flicked his forehead hoping that would make him shut up but he didn't even feel it. I picked up a rock, i weighed it in my hand for a while letting it go up and drop back in my hand. He looked at me. "Hey! I know i don'tfeel pain but throwing a rock at me is just mean!" I ignored him and throw a rock in his direction. And just like i suspected he ducked, letting rock go behind him and hit my true target.

I head a yelp as a girl fell from the bushes, she held a camera in her hand, it was recording from the little buzz sound coming from it. She stood up and her voices surprised me. It was deep. "Why the heck you throw a rock!" that when i remembered the seconded hint. This isn't a girl it's a boy.I approached him holding out my hand. he took it and i yanked him up.He stood at least a few maybe 5 inches taller then me.

He held out his hand. "Nice to finally meet you in person Blake, I'm masky." The guy behind me started making noises that sounded like an ape."OOh Oh OOh Oh OOh Oh I'm Toby!"

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