New Wolves (Lauren's POV)

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New Wolves (Lauren’s POV)

Dear Jasper’s Journal

I guess that’s right oh whatever. Well I’m Lauren Uley; I’m a twin and the older one. My twin his name is Matt Uley. We got some strange news today I guess. Well let me just start from the beginning we live in La Push, Washington. We lived here for our entire lives. They are some people living here but a very few. Our parents’ names are Emily and Sam. Matt and I are both 17 years old. So Matt and I went out to the forest we always felt calm there. We started to talk, but it then led to a fight. We started to shake, our father came out and said, “oh my gosh”. I don’t know what really happened next it kinda just did, but back to the point we became these big giant furry things Matt and me both just looked at each other. Then few more of the big fury things came out of the forest. Also our dad just became one of them too. All of a sudden I heard our dad explain what’s going on “Matt, Lauren you have become wolves it’s a natural thing don’t worry. If you can’t tell already we all can hear each others thoughts.” He finished then everyone started introducing themselves again to us, “I’m Jake, Paul, Jared, Seth, Leah, Quil, and I’m Matt.” Everyone started to chuckle, “Matt I know who you are.” I tackled him playfully. I stopped when dad started to ‘talk’ “Jake go tell the Cullens to meet us at the boundary line,” “k” Jake replied. “Everyone go there as well. Lauren and Matt follow me its time you meet the Cullens.” our dad said. “But why?” Matt asked, our dad replied, “so they know who you are.” So we did as we were told. All the wolves were there except Jake. All of a sudden quick flashes of blur came running across by the trees. “The first one that stopped is Jared,” Jake said. Suddenly they all stopped they were all beautiful. Then I heard Paul laughing, I forgot about the telephaly thing. Dad started speaking “Matt and Lauren go to the front of the line.” So we did what we were told. “Edward tell everybody that I’ll be right back it would be better if I explained everything in human form.” Dad said, and then on the other side I saw a guy nod. I’m taking a guess that was Edward. Dad came walking back and started saying, “everyone Quilets and Cullens we have two new wolfs. The two wolves are in the front of the line Matt and Lauren bow your head.” Of course we did what we were told. Then one of the vampires started to talk; I guess that was Carlisle because Jake said in using the telephaly thing. Carlisle started to talk, “welcome Matt and Lauren this is my family. My wife Esme, my son Edward his wife Bella and their daughter Renesmee, my other son Emmett and my daughter and his wife Rosalie, and this right here is Alice and Jasper.” Jasper started to talk, “this is my sister Elizabeth and her husband Tray, and their 2 kids Jasper Jr. and Zack. And this is my brother Jared.” I got this strange feeling, I barely knew Jared but it feels like he is my life and I couldn’t live without him. Soon after the Cullens started to leave everyone left, but Jared stayed for few seconds longer and was looking at me. Then he left. Dad told us it was time to go home. We arrived home dad walked inside then came back with some clothes for the both of us. Dad said, “Lauren you go transform in the forest and Matt right here.” I walked over to the forest and transformed back to human. After dinner I was relaxing in my room. I kept thinking about Jared. Dad said that I have imprinted on him, like I know what that means. But I really got curious, so I called Leah and asked her what it meant. Time to go to bed. Night

~Lauren~ <3

Jasper's Journal Part 2 (Finished)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora