04 → emma's first party

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Emma has never been to a party before. She's been to birthday parties, ones with supervised parents, and pin the tail on the donkey. Other than those, her only taste of high school parties is one she reads in books or what she's seen in movies. Although she was aware, this wasn't an actual party. She took the opportunity to act like she was. Which meant the perfect party attire that was different from her usual jeans, blouses, and ankle booties look.

The only issue was, what was the perfect party attire? One that wasn't obvious to the juniors that she thought this was a party. She did have to sell it to Liam, though, and she didn't have to try too hard. Her brother was already running around bragging that he had a date to the party with an upperclassman and that Emma had to find a different ride to the party.

Emma pulled on a light blue jeans skirt; she tucked a pale pink sweater into some ankle boots. She pulled out her phone to see a text that Stiles was here. She stuffed her phone into her back pocket before she slipped out of her room, biding a goodbye and making a quick exit before she got drilled with questions about who was picking her up.

Stiles was told to park a little up the street so Liam wouldn't see the car. He might get suspicious if he saw the jeep, the same one that took him and Emma to the hospital. That seemed so long ago, even though it happened yesterday.

"Hey," Emma greeted when she jogged up to the passenger window. The dirty blonde haired girl, she knows as Malia, was sitting up front. Her face was blank; however, it wasn't as cold and standoffish as earlier today. Stiles leaned forward so he could see the freshman. He had a goofy grin on his face. His left hand moved up in a half-wave before falling onto the steering wheel again. Emma back up as Malia got up. She lifted the seat up for Emma to crawl into the backseat next to Lydia. "Thanks for the ride."

"No problem, everything still going to plan with Liam?" Stiles asked as he changed gears and began to drive. His eyes glanced in the mirror at Emma.

"Yeah, he was bragging that he was going to a party with a junior. So, he doesn't suspect anything," Emma said with a small chuckle. Lydia snickered from beside her, but that was the only reaction. That was when Emma began to feel the tension in the car; it silenced her and her cheerful demeanor.

Malia looked over at Stiles, "Are you going to ask her about how her brother got kicked out, yet?" Malia asked. It shocked Emma the bluntness of her tone, her lack of care about the question. On Lydia's post-it note, on the werecoyote page, it said that she had been a coyote for a good chunk of her life. So her social skills weren't the best, although she's learning. Emma pursed her lips, she sunk in her seat.

"Malia, you have to be more subtle about – asking questions like that – you never know if it's a sensitive topic or not," Stiles whispered. He had asked a few guys on the lacrosse team about Liam getting kicked out. None of them knew anything about it, they did know that Liam was kicked out, but Emma transferred. To get the whole story, he had to go to the source, in this case, the source's twin sister. "She's still learning, but this is, in fact, progress."

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