Chapter 3

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Here I was again, I couldn't resist it. I had a feeling that she will be back through the street again.

I ordered coffee again but I didn't even bother to take a sip.

I wasn't a big believer in fate but it had to mean something that I saw her two times in a row.

I stared at the street that I got to know like the back of my hand these last few days.

And there she came wearing a flannel button up shirt. Her hair again in a ponytail but not as high as it been yesterday.

Her headphones again on her ears. I started to wonder weather she ever removed them.

She was walking slowly staring at the surroundings around her.

I was still watching her when she looked at me. We stared at each other for half a second. Both of us waiting to see what the other will do. I realized why they called it eye contact and somehow it felt more intimate than ever. I saw her cheeks getting red and she put her head down looking at the ground and hurried by.

I waited till I couldn't see her and left a tip on the table for the coffee I didn't even taste and left the cafe.

I wonder though what did she think when she saw me.

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