A liar like me

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Kokichi's pov

i was confused with myself, how could i blush at times like this? Was my heart raising for him or just because im scared? This is seriously fucked up but i couldn't help but be happy at the fact that im the only one he has ever shown his true self too i must be special! SHIT you shouldn't be thinking about that right now ouma

"Snap out of it!" I heard a loud yell coming from shuichi "Saihara-chan! Please tell me this is just a joke" i would've hug him if my hands weren't chained on the bed pole "does it look like it?" Shuichi returned the question to me "say... kokichi why would you want to save the people who hate you the most? They dont even want you so why all that effort?" Is he seriously that dense? "I w-wasn't doing it for them i was doing it for you shuichi!" I tried to get his trust but to be honest i were also telling the truth "did you know even gonta, kiibo, kirumi didn't care you were gone? I'd say they're happy you're gone" is... that the truth? Were they really happy? Was it a mistake to make them hate me that much? "You're alone kokichi" "PLEASE STOP SHUICHI stop stop stop st...op... i.. it hurts hearing those words coming from you so please.. stop" tears falling down my cheeks god i really am pathetic. I could feel thorns on my throat hurting even more as i breath. Blood, petals, thorns, pain its all too much i cant handle all of this at once "s-shuichi.. i-"

I felt a familiar hand petting my head gently which even in this situation still helped me calm down "im sorry i didn't mean to say you're alone that was a lie because you have me. I will always be here for you" he got a tissue and cleaned my mess, he didn't get mad at me, he continues to pat and cuddle me he even removed one of my hand from the handcuff... sweet... so sweet its overwhelming. I dont deserve this im a terrible person "but why?" Is the only question that came out my mouth "why?... hmm at first i thought you would be usefull because you're the smartest out of all of them but then i started to feel bad, just the way they treated you makes me sad" really? How could he not expect me to fall just by saying that

"You think of me as smart? And feel bad for me? Why?! Im a bad person you should've just killed me when you knew everyone hates me and no one will care if i die" i said "my beloved kokichi you really don't get it do you? I wasn't lying when i told you i wanted to help you and you're kinda cute" "hn! Y-you really shouldn't just say stuff like that casually... you know what that does to me" "thats why im saying it, i want you to be comfortable even in this situation. My original plan was to let you feel despair but i couldn't even look at your face so much inpain" he cupped my face "that's why you should stay with me sweetie" he's getting closer to me making me tensed up but still excited also the fact that both my feet and left hand are tied up is kind of... hot

"Kokichi calm down i can heart your heart beating fast" he cuddled in my chest and i played with his soft hair a while before he said something that disappointed me

"I know this position is really uncomfortable for you so I'll untie you but i have to go somewhere so behave yourself okay? I'll still lock the door just incase" He kissed my forehead and i nodded. Seeing him leave my side when i was getting comfortable and warm makes me sigh i really thought we were going to do something else more "fun"

Wait why am i being this dependent on him, again? He could just be lying for all i know and i still have to find the mastermind for shu... wait shit what if shuichi IS the mastermind i mean he doesn't seem to caree that someone died in their trial earlier i didnt even see a single tear.. NO NO NO you cant think of that shuichi is innocent... then i saw it, THE KEY and "what the fuck" i said to myself looking at the laptop screen full of cameras for all the places here "n-no way" i need to go away from here

Ah shuichi you idiot how can you make me fall inlove with some liar like me

Im going to escape

Kokichi Hanahaki Disease X Mastermind ShuichiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon