chapter 2 finding gerald

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The next morning noel is woken by her phone ringing hello she said groggily if you want your son back alive you'll do exactly as I say Frank's voice said over the phone fr... Frank its 3 am did you find him? Noel replied. Not yet but I have a plan frank said meet .e at my house in the morning say 7:30 ok see you then now go to sleep Frank noel said hanging up the phone and dropping it on her nightstand goddamnit I hope we can find my son she said closing her eyes. The next morning noel quickly gets dressed and runs out the door and drives to Frank's house apon arriving at Frank's noel runs up to the door and knocks for fuck sake who is it she hears from the other side Frank its noel open the fuckin door noel yells the door flies open Frank pulls noel in closing the door behind her goddamnit keep your voice down they will ear you Frank whispers woah you went a little crazy there bud noel says quiet noel frank says running a metal detector over her noel gives a weird look Frank starts patting her down what the fuck frank what's your fucking problem noel yells pushing his hands off her cant be too careful noel you know the risk of what we did they are looking for us they found your son you never know what they will do have they contacted you yet Frank replies no... no not yet noel says staring at Frank with a blank look on her face follow me we need to get a tracer attached to your phone Frank says leading her to the next room a few hours later her phone begins to ring noel picks up her phone and reads unknown number noel says looking at Frank frank motions her to pick answer it as he puts his headphones on and flips open his laptop hello noel says with a slight fear in her voice we have your son if you want him back alive you'll do as we say the voice says Frank looks at her typing on his laptop and motions for her to keep him taking I want to hear my sons voice I'm not telling you anything till I know my son is ok noel demands few seconds later another voice comes over the phone mom.... mom.... mom I'm ok they havent hurt me yet they said of you dont give the the formula for your genetic altering they will kill me gerald yells dont worry son mommas coming to save you noel yells the unknown voice returns to the phone you have 24 hours to give us the formula he said with a firm voice ok... ok I'll do just tell me where you are and I'll get everything you want together noel replies frank looks at her and throws up his hands and whispers yes got you you sons a bitches and motions noel to hang up the mans voice says 24 hours meet us by the docks the mans voice says noel says ok and hangs up. a few minutes later Frank leads her to his armory and says take what you want let's go get your son. Noel looks around the room damn frank you've been a busy man she says with a smile. Better safe then sorry I guess Frank says grabbing an ar 15 off the shelf noel grabs a sawed off shotgun a desert eagle and an ak 47 and as much amo as she could carry and tge thickest body armor she could find and they both go to the garage and get in Frank's jeep and head off to get her son.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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