Inai Ni Yami (Within Darkness) by xXDarkenedAngelXx

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Inai Ni Yami (Within Darkness) by xXDarkenedAngelXx

Inai Ni Yami (Within Darkness) is about two races of humans, the Kurai's and Dorei. Each race is unique in its own way. Kurai's have unique powers but at a cost, the use of their powers causes them to live a very short life, they have a large population. Dorei's have the ability of eternal youth but suffer from a small population.

The Dorei's and Kurai's do not get along because the Kurai's breed the dorei like cattle for the selfish use, they suck the life and youth out of the Dorei's so they can continue to live longer. Dorei's who's life has been sucked out live only a short life like the Kurai's were suppose to do.

The world Shin-En, where the Dorei's and Kurai's live is a high-tec civilization but only the Kurai's benefit from this. Some Dorei's are stripped of their Consciousness and are transformed into Mecka-kikai, life and technology in one being.

The story follows the character Rio Shiroi, the second son in the Shiroi line, they are masters of technology, their company is the foundation of creation of new and advanced technology.

The thing i like most about this story is how creative and well planned it is. The writer comes up with ideas for advanced technology which is mentioned in the story, every thing is so original, from the names of the races and characters to the advanced technology and settings.

Inai Ni Yami (Within Darkness) is a mix of Mystery/Suspense, Science Fiction, Fantasy and Adventure. I recommend this story so much, its a great read and their is nothing else like it.

The characters, races and technology are described in great detail, there so fascinating as i've never read them in another story before.

The plot isn't guessable, its shrounded in mystery, every chapter unlocks something new, it has so manyy possibilitys. You will never know whats coming, for a story that you guess what will happen, it flows together very well.

Its very well written, so original and a great read.

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