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A/N: For

I have no idea how accurate this actually is but it's where I got all the flower/plant meanings:

Owen awkwardly held a bunch of flowers as he shifted from foot to foot, anxiously waiting. After a couple moments that seemed forever and then gone too soon, Curt opened his door. "Hello," he said.

"Hello." Owen was sure he was bright pink now, which just made him blush more. "Um..."

"Do you want to come in?" Curt asked. Owen shook his head a little. There was no going back now. He thrust the bouquet into Curt's arms. "For you."

"Oh... thank you?" Curt seemed a little flustered and Owen shifted again. "Sorry. I just thought, you know, flowers. Are... nice. You might like- I should maybe go."

Curt smiled down at the petals. "Okay. Thank you very much."

Owen took a step back and Curt looked up and hugged him quickly. Owen barely had time to stiffly move his arms around the American's shoulders when Curt pulled away. "They're very pretty," he said.

Owen rocked back and forth - heels, toes, heels, toes. "Thank you? I-I picked them out and... I don't know. The colours..."

"You're welcome. It's really nice of you." Curt's eyes seemed to sparkle. Owen swallowed. His mouth felt dry. "Um."

Curt laughed lightly. "Do you want to come in?" He asked again.

Owen's eyes widened and he shook his head a little. "N-No, sorry, I gotta..." he dissolved into mumbles and hurried away before he or Curt could say anything else. Curt watched him go from the doorway and returned inside once Owen was completely gone from sight. He looked back at the flowers again, blue and purple and white, and remembered a conversation they had had.

"You mean you've never heard about flower languages?" Owen asked excitedly. His face was lit up in that way that Curt adored.


"Okay, flowers and plants can have so many different meanings! Like, oak stands for strength, morning glory is love and affection... so many different things!"

"So like, spy code messages?"

"I mean, if you wanted to tell someone you love them. It's mostly romantic stuff..." Owen seemed to falter as Curt studied him. "I didn't take you for the romantic type."

Owen flushed. "A bit of a guilty pleasure. I have half my Flower Languages book memorized."

Curt smirked. "Who would have thought tough Owen Carvour was such a hopeless romantic?"

Owen glared at him. "I could still beat you up."

"I'd like to see you try."

"You say every time before fighting me and losing."

Curt shrugged, a mischievous grin playing across his lips. "What can I say? I'm a man stuck in my ways."

Owen patted his shoulder. "Your stupid ways."

Curt moved to his kitchen to find a vase, dispelling the thoughts of that rare lazy Saturday afternoon where they could just hang out and talk without worrying about work. He remembered Owen had given him a copy of the book - it must still been here somewhere. Owen had said he'd chosen the flowers for the bouquet himself - Curt was itching with curiosity as to the message they held.

He put on a kettle - one of the habits he'd picked up from his partner - found the book after some searching. Curt finally settled into an armchair with a steaming cup of tea, the book, and the flowers on the table just ahead of him. It took some time because he had to figure out what half of them were called, but he got it eventually.

Blue salvia - I think of you

That was sweet. Curt grinned as he found the next few.

Tarragon - lasting interest

Gardenia. Curt hesitated, looked back up to the flowers. They matched the little picture, but maybe Owen hadn't meant for Curt to use the codes. Maybe he'd just wanted to give him flowers...

Gardenia - Secret love

Curt put that idea on a tab in his mind and thumbed through the book, looking for the final flower.

Purple Hyacinth - Sorrow

Curt looked at the flowers for a while, meditatively sipping his tea. He finally got up and moved to the phone. There were soft, satisfying clicks as each number spun back into place as he dialled, and then he lifted it to his ear. He heard a barely audible click and Owen's voice.


"Hey, Owen."

"Oh- Curt! Hi, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, it's fine. What's happening with you right now?"

"N-Not much. Why?"

"Just wanted to call. You know, Owen, the flowers really are pretty."

"You really like them?" Owen sounded so hopeful and breathless. Curt grinned. "Oh, yeah. I especially love the Gardenia."

"... Y-You do?"

"For sure. They smell beautiful, don't they?"


"Hey, maybe I should give you some." Curt closed his eyes. "If you like them so much."



Owen's voice was barely a whisper. "Are you trying to tell me something?"

He opened his eyes again. "I don't know, are you trying to tell me something?"

Owen was quiet for so long, Curt almost thought he hung up. "Maybe. You saw the, uh, the meanings."


"Oh. I'm sorry."

"No, don't apologize," Curt laughed. "It's really sweet."

"It is?"

"Owen, definitely."

"You feel..."

"I feel the same way, Owen." Curt took a deep breath. "Would you want to go out with me for dinner some time?"

"Oh- yes! I mean, if you wouldn't mind."

"I'm asking you, Owen, you think I mind?"

Owen laughed nervously. "No, of course, sorry."

"Don't apologize so much."

"Right. Is... Is Tuesday okay? For dinner?"

"Yep. That sounds good."

"I can pick you up around 7?"

"Sure. It's a date."

"It's a date," Owen agreed. They said goodbye and only when Curt hung up did he realize his heart was hammering in his throat. He felt giddy and surreal. He was going on a date with Owen Carvour. Owen Carvour!

A/N: A bit out of character because Owen gets flustered easily but he's a nervous bi, at least at first, cause he doesn't know if Curt is gay. Curt is flustered too, but on the inside...

I might make a part 2 if people want it but idk

Updated for flower meanings:

Blue Salvia - I think of you

Tarragon - lasting interest

Gardenia - secret love

Purple Hyacinth - sorrow

Flower Languages - CurtwenWhere stories live. Discover now