°7 : Prediction°

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When I dropped Fred off at the hospital wing, and we exchanged our goodbyes, I never knew that that would be the last time I would ever speak to him for weeks. I guessed that after what Malfoy said about me stealing his brothers money (which was true, but happened when I despised the Weasley's), he wanted to back off from me. I mean, I don't blame him. But the days were a bit lonely without me having to fuss at them.

On my way to Divination was no different; just a shoving of Slytherin's and Gryffindor's, who were sharing the class with us this year, and honestly, I wasn't looking forward to it. Trelawney either made predictions about me being 'trapped further into my past', but she doesn't know that I'm already past that; my father made sure of that.

I sat at the table I usually sat at, accompanied by two other Gryffindor's who glared and whispered about me.

Great. Fred spread the news about me stealing money from his brother.

I shrugged it off, setting my bag down beside my seat, before the whispy voice of professor Trelawney came from her arm chair.

"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen... Hold on, I'm getting a reading..." She muttered as she stopped bobbing her head as she spoke, holding up a hand to stop anyone from speaking.
"Oh... I have a great feeling that one of you will fall into a deep fight with someone you keep close and trust..." She continued. The class was silent at this remark, since we all knew that this was most probably fake, but still, we were interested. I managed to roll my eyes without getting caught amidst the silence.

"Let's hope it's something good and not rubbish..." A Slytherin boy whispered quite loudly from the table from across the room. Trelawney glared at him, which shut him up, and carried on.

"Reading, my darlings. You see a teacup and a crystal ball in front of you, yes?" She now got up silkly, gliding around the room to check every table to see if she somehow forgot one ball or teacup. I failed to understand since she had buggy lenses put into her glasses. It seems as if she never forgets anything.

I dreaded this lesson. We've done it tons of times, but she wants us to 'open up our third eyes, and training should do it'. This made me want to gag myself out with boredom, but I kept to it as she came to our table, but stopped as she looked down at me.

"You, dear, should especially look out..." One slender finger of hers tapped the table, which made the two Gryffindor's jump. I was too distant from the class in my thoughts to react.
I shrugged.

"... Okay..." I replied. Shocked by my answer, she brushed me off and rounded up to her chair, sitting down again.

"If you'd all stare into the ball, now..." She motioned for everyone to look. Everyone started squinting down at their orbs, struggling. I struggled for a bit too, but widened my eyes in surprise when I saw a faint, swirling object residing in my orb.

A faint fog, looking almost like a drooping, childly drawn heart swirled slowly. Trelawney quickly looked over at me and jumped up from her chair and paced over. This made everybody stop and watch, and made me look away from the orb, losing my place. Professor Trelawney seered into the ball, her mouth slightly agape as she searched, letting out shocked and happy noises. I watched, leaning back a bit in my chair to avoid any of her exaggerated movements.

"My, Snape, you've got a catch of love coming your way!" She goggled. I scrunched my nose up in a sort of disgust.

"What are you on-" I stopped myself from answering her like that, since she'd probably leave a mark on my speaking. Father wouldn't like that.

Her specs slid down her nose quickly as she looked over at Fred, who was sniggering silently with his brother over a teacup. A spiny finger pointed out at him, and the Gryffindor next to George nudged him, which ripped their conversation apart.

"You... You've got some coming towards your way too! Wait... Yes... Both of you... I'm getting that you two will eventually fall into a relationship, that'll lead to a large interruption in your lives!" She went on. Fred's face convulsed into confusion as he glared at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Her? After stealing my brother's money? You've got to be on something to think that..." He crossed his arms, and George butt in.

"Besides, her father's always prowling around. It's IMPOSSIBLE to get past him... Waste to think she'd ever get anywhere in the future. Should've predicted that." He copied his brother and crossed his arms too.

Everyone then looked back at me, almost expecting me to look hurt, but I took it. I don't think I'll get anywhere with my father everywhere, too.

Although I wanted to bite back at them, I just looked down at my ball again. Trelawney scowled, pressing her eyes at them.

"You two, be quiet, now! And everyone- carry on with the class!" She ordered. George and Fred shook their heads in annoyance and muttered to each other the whole class, sometimes loud enough for me to hear my name.


I skipped dinner to study at the library, which was sparse with students. Only the ones who really wanted the best grades in their years went here to study, and the only time others aside from know-it-alls came here, was to know more about the topics they were forced to learn.

I was sat at a table against a bookcase, my books opened and my quill out, scratching against the rolled out parchment. I was half way through my essay for my History of Magic class, when I heard the doors to the library opened. I perked my head up, since it was the only noise apart from my quill that slipped over the library.

"Mr. Weasley, are you AWARE that you have THREE books overdue?" I heard madam Pince hiss quietly. This made my shoulders tense up, my eyes shooting open. How I hoped that this was Ron or George, and not Fred. Although George was just like Fred, I could easily talk back to him and tell him to bug off.

"Yeah, I've only found one so far so if you'd just excuse me-" I heard Fred's silent voice reply to her, and a further walking of footsteps.

Great. This was just what I wanted.
After a long day and a class with him in it, I needed yet another encounter with him. Or I hoped not.

I shook my hair to curtain over the sides of my face. This wouldn't help since he'd see my familiar bag and the way I left my books out for an easier study set up.
His footsteps came closer, and after an unnerving 5 seconds, he stopped at the bookcase I was set up at and paced his finger across the backs of the books, leading up and muttering to himself until-

"Mind getting me that book? The red one?" He asked. I assumed that he had asked someone else since I wasn't the only student nearby, but a nudge from him proved me wrong. "Hello?"

I looked up at him, shoving the hair out of my face.
Looking like an idiot, he froze as he noticed that I was the person he was attempting to speak to.
I tried to shut this awkward exchange by quickly looking at the book that he had described and grabbed it, causing a book to fall over and take it's place. I handed it to him, and still with a weirded out face, he took it.
"... Thanks."

I furrowed my brows. "Don't act like you've just spotted a Dementor laundering about the place next time you want to talk to me." I said. And with a nod, Fred pivoted off in a hurry to escape my word. I didn't blame him. He was probably terrified of me going off on him for telling everyone about stealing some nearly useless coins from his brother.

It was just a scrawny bit of knuts, though. Pocket change. And he went off telling on me.
I shut my book and collected my things. I had a few days before I had to turn in my essay, and I couldn't fuel off of the items I learned while the prance of Fred came in every now and then, which concluded in me accidentally writing 'Fred' instead of 'Goblin' in one of my written sentences.

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