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*Mama Spider


Peter's pov

It was so unfair! The whole team gets to train today, while I have to stay upstairs doing homework. Apparently homework was more important, which I highly disagree on. But dad said I needed to finish it.

"Peter would you like some more waffles? You only had 10" Dad asks offering me more off of his plate.

"Nah. I'm pretty full, and I can just have a snack later"

"Fine. Just as long as it's healthy" I rolled my eyes at uncle Steve, he was such a health nut

"Hey guys, where's auntie Nat? It's family breakfast?" I asked the team and they all looked at each other before looking back at their food

They looked sad, if not worried. Something was clearly going on.

"She asked not to be disturbed today. Which means we won't see her. So do not ask questions about her and don't bother her. I mean it" Dad explained before standing up and placing his dishes in the sink

"Why? Is she okay" She is always at team breakfast, she wouldn't just miss it for nothing?

"Peter just trust us on this. Everyone has days where they need to be alone. So we're not going to bother Nat today" Uncle Clint explained

"Alright" I sighed not wanting to argue with them, because they knew aunt Nat better than I did

I didn't want aunt Nat to be alone. I understand why she needed alone time, but that still didn't make me feel better. She was clearly upset if the looks from the team told me anything. I hope she didn't have nightmares or something.

"Good. Now you need to finish up the dishes and then get started on your homework. If you finish quickly, then you can join us today" I stood up and walked over to the sink to wash the dishes

"Okay. I will see you later. Try not to get thrown in the wall again" I joked

Last week, Thor was visiting and totally threw dad into the wall. It was really funny, of course I was nervous, but I knew dad was fine. Thor always did that when he got angry.

"I will try my hardest. Have a good day Pete"

"Ha! You have to stay and do homework" Sam teases

"Sam, education is very important. It's a good thing that Peter is taking the time to finish his work" Steve lectures

"Yeah I know Mr. Man with a plan. Remember Pete, the most powerful tool in your arsenal is math" Sam imitates and put his arms on his waist

I looked over at Steve's blushing face. I couldn't help but laugh at Sam's terrible impression. Those PSA's will never not be funny.

"Let's just go. Be good Peter, and remember what we said about..." He glances down the hall before walking out with Sam

Finally I was alone and could actually do my work in peace. I walked over to the couch and started on my work. Usually I could get this done fast, but my brain was distracted.

Nat probably had the worst nightmares of anyone here, well except for Bucky. That's probably why she wanted to be left alone, but I couldn't continue to work when I knew how upset she was.

I was told not to bother her, so I won't. I will just give her a couple things to make her feel better. I put down my pencil and ran up to my room.

I looked through my drawers and found my box. It was supposed to be a birthday present for aunt Nat, but I think she could really use it today. It was an engraved anxiety bracelet. I knew it would be perfect, because she has anxiety. She hid it pretty well, but sometimes I could hear her heartbeat change whenever something bad happened. So I knew this was the perfect gift for my mama spider.

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