Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

We found our way to a quaint little town that was a lot like Franklin. The buildings all dated back to the 1800s. Shops and restaurants lined the streets. We settled in at a little café, which was set in front of a square park that centered the town. People were pushing strollers, walking their dogs, and lounging on the benches. On the other side of the park was a beautiful church. Flowers and white lace decorated the step. I could only assume that a wedding was in progress.

"Are there places like that in Chara?"

"The building? Or what they do there?"

Knowing there was a wedding in process, I squirmed in my seat. I didn't want him to think I was insinuating anything.


"Well, in some way, yes to both." He gazed at the historic church with the utmost respect. "That place is powerful, I feel the same kind of energy when I go to the places I took you today."

"I can see that." I let the tension slide out of my body. He misread my question.

He tilted his head and glanced at me curiously. "Were you talking about the wedding part? Or the higher power part?"

I started laughing, that's all I could do to hide the embarrassment.

"Do you want a wedding?" he asked sincerely.

I couldn't say or think a single thought. The boy had the insight of truth so I couldn't lie, and I refused to admit I was curious about how couples symbolized a bond.

Landen moved his chair closer to mine, wrapped his arm around me, and we watched the couples make their way out.

"They seem happy," Landen thought, glancing at the groom, then back to me.

I could sense the bride and groom from where I sat. There was a love between them, but, for some reason our love felt older. Bonded at the core of our being.

"In Chara, we celebrate when couples find one another. Friends and family welcome home the ones who were searching and their soul mates." Landen paused and looked deep into my eyes before continuing. "We believe that we are each other's gift from the heavens. We thank the heavens every moment for the love we feel. In Chara, 'I love you,' is more than just three words. They are never spoken unless that emotion is felt at our core. Right now we are just as, if not more so, committed as that couple. This is forever. This life and the next. I made you that promise the second I knew you could hear me."

He drew my face closer to his and said, "I love you, Willow. I always have, and I always will."

His voice, his words, they were so deep.

"I love you." I whispered.

He ticked his head toward the church. "Is there an image over there I need to be aware of? I can't stand waiting to see the way you do this any longer."

"All right. All right. I'm focusing."

I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath, only to open them and see him looking at me in a humorous way.

"Breathe deep? That's your trick."

I playfully glared. "Everyone seems to be in place. Images stick out."

One nod, a teasingly, disbelieving nod.

"I'm serious." I glanced around us. "Come on, let's walk."

We had only taken a few steps before I felt that familiar pull on me. I hesitated and searched the emotions around us. Somebody was painfully nervous. I spotted a young man pacing back and forth. He looked as if he were rehearsing a speech, playing the words across his lips. I watched him as he stopped his pacing and took a step forward, then halt and start pacing again. I was almost sure he was an image. He was stepping forward to a tree, but a tree would definitely not need a rehearsed speech.

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