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Chapter 5


So much commotion going on within my head it feels like a spinning amusement ride. The world felt like it was spinning, but I was spinning with it. A sharp pain went through my stomach. A kick. "Ahh!" I screamed collapsing to the ground.  I held my stomach close to me. I didn't want to hurt the baby inside of me.

Felix dropped to the ground holding me in his arms. He laid his head on top of mine . I then began to cry.

" Crystal no no Shh Shh. Don't cry," Felix's voice cracked, " Don't cry."

"What am I going to do Felix?" I sobbed.

Felix let out a heavy breath.

"Have you ever heard of true loves kiss?,"

I shook my head no.                

" Well Crystal. True loves kiss can break any spell. No matter how much of a shit hole your in love always redeems itself. "

I looked at Felix with a warm feeling filling up inside of me.

" All I have to do is kiss him and he remembers who I am? It can't be that simple."

"Yes, but he obviously loves you. You've been here for like 5 weeks now and he's already fallen for you , again. He's never been so accepting to anyone but you and you alone."

"What's your point?"

" You have to love him too for the kiss to work."

" I do," I put my hand on my stomach, " We both do. "

Felix smiled,

" Great, now you and your little one need to go and get some rest."

Felix stood up, helping me up as well.

"Thank you Felix for everything.' I kissed Felix's cheek and started walking towards Peter's treehouse. "Oh and Crystal,"

I turned around towards him

" Be safe, everything changes in the morning."

" How?"

" You'll see," Felix turned around walking deep into the woods not facing me, " You'll see."I woke up the next morning from the sounds of screaming and yelling. Peter bursted through the door and told me to wake up

" What's wrong?" I asked with concern with my heart racing.

"...Pirates." Peter said. He grabbed my hand pulling me up and started running towards the beach.

We arrived at the beach. All the lost boys surrounded this huge ship that laid upon the sand. "Stay by Felix." Peter said. I ran over to Felix and stood by him.

" Looks like we have visitors, Crystal. Look familiar? " Felix said.

I looked down at the bottom of the ship. And there stood A man and three girls.

Wow that's says something. "Peter ! Glad to see you again." The man gestured for the girls to stay back by the ship.

All three women at the same time found my gaze , they looked shocked but they only smiled and continue to stare at me. I looked back over at Peter having the conversation with the man. It was an uneasy feeling to know that they were staring at me.

" Save it Hook, Why are you doing on my island. "

" You know the rules Peter, ever since Baelfire died, I gave him my word to help him find Crystal."

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