Chapter Two: Interview

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A guard burst into Sarah's ward, seeing that she had broken the window. There was blood on her hands from squeezing the glass in her fists, the blood trickling down her fingers and dropping to the floor.

"Hey!" The guard yelled and grabbed Sarah by her shoulders, dragging her away.

"No! Let go of me! He needs me! Jareth needs me! He needs me back in The Goblin Castle!" Sarah screamed as she squirmed and struggled, trying to release herself from the guards strong arms.


Sarah got sat in room, the same room she was forced to sit in when the guards would ask their questions. Sarah was looking down at the table with a blank and angry expression on her face. A woman sat in front of Sarah with a pen and notebook in her hands.

"Sarah? My name is Jane Hollows. I'm here to ask you some questions, is that okay?" Jane asked, looking at Sarah. Sarah did a simple nod, not looking at her. Jane pulled out a recorder from her bag, putting it on the table. "I'm also going to record our conversation. Is that okay with you, Sarah?" Sarah yet again, just did a simple nod. Jane nodded "Okay. I'm pressing record now." She pressed the record button on the recorder then looked at Sarah. "Williams. That is your last name, right?"

"Yes." Sarah said quietly, still not looking at the woman. Her long dark brown hair was covering her face, she looked like Samara Morgan from the horror movie The Ring.

"Sarah? Can I see your face please?"

"Why?" Sarah made eye contact with Jane but her face was still hidden behind her hair. Jane chuckled slightly.

"Well, I want to be able to see your face as I'm talking to you. I want to know who I'm talking to. Is that okay?" Sarah sighed deeply and moved her hair away from her face. Jane smiled a bit. "There we go. It's nice to see your face, Sarah. Now, I want you to answer these questions as clearly as you can. Take your time. There's no rush." Jane gave Sarah a kind smile but Sarah didn't smile back.

"Sarah. Can you tell me what happened before... what's his name? This king?"

"Jareth. And he is the Goblin King of the Goblin City." Sarah said deeply, glaring at her. Jane nodded slowly.

"Right. Jareth. Can you tell me what happened or what you remember before this Goblin King took your baby?" Jane asked the girl. Sarah looked at her.

"His name is Jareth! Jareth! That is his name! I wished him to take my brother away from me because he wouldn't stop crying! He wouldn't shut up and I was sick and tired of hearing his cries!" Sarah raised her voice a bit. Jane remained sitting, not moving since she was used to hearing all of this.

"And that's when... 'Jareth' arrived and took your brother away? He hears wishes, is that what he can hear?" Sarah nodded.

"He heard my wish... and my wish came true. He is real. Jareth is real. He gave me this crystal ball as a present." Sarah reached into her pocket, pulling out a shiny crystal ball that Jareth had given to her.

"Sarah... that's a peach." Jane looked at Sarah, then she eyed the peach. Sarah looked down at her hand and noticed that it wasn't a crystal ball at all. It in fact was a peach. Sarah blinked a few times then put the peach back in her pocket.

"Sarah... can you explain to me what... 'Jareth' looks like?" Jane asked as she took out a notebook and a pen, placing the notebook on the table and getting ready to take down notes. Sarah crossed her arms, sitting back.

"You say his name as if you don't believe me. As if he doesn't exist. He does exist!" Sarah raised her voice then unfolded her arms. She sat forward, looking at Jane deep in the eyes, not breaking eye contact. "You wanna know why I'm in here? How I got thrown into this terrible place?" Sarah spoke softly but how she spoke, it was soft but intimidating. "I got thrown in here because of my baby brother. He's five years old now. It's been four goddamn years since I met the Goblin King. You think that a stupid one year old wouldn't remember anything from that age, well he did. He still remembers and that little shit ratted me out to the guards. No, he didn't rat me out because he remembered what happened, he ratted me out because he saw me talking to Jareth which I was. But Toby couldn't see him and so his first response to this was, I'm crazy! And you know what, maybe I am crazy but I know, I goddamn know that Jareth the Goblin King is not from my imagination. He is real. I know what's real and what's not and I know for a goddamn fact that Jareth is real. Go ahead. Call me crazy. But I know that I'm not crazy. I shouldn't be here. I've been living in this shithole for too long. I want my freedom. Jareth is going to bail me out and rescue me from this terrible place and away from you terrible people. He never ignores a wish." Sarah spoke darkly, glaring at the woman opposite from her who was just looking at her as Sarah spoke. Jane nodded slowly.

"I see." Jane wrote down a few things in her notebook. Sarah watched and she saw her write the word 'crazy'. "Sarah... are you getting medical treatment? Are you taking the right pills that they have asked you to take?"

"No. I'm not taking some pill from a random stranger. I haven't taken my 'medication' since my first day here." Jane nodded.

"That must explain your crazy story you came up with." Jane smiled but Sarah was pissed off. She stood up, slamming her hands on the table.

"MY STORY IS NOT FAKE, BITCH! You people think that you are so professional at your job and that you seem that you are making people feel better! WELL YOU'RE NOT! ALL OF YOU JUST MAKE EVERYTHING WORSE AND IT DOESN'T FIX US LIKE YOU PEOPLE THINK IT WILL! IT DESTROYS US MORE BUT YOU DON'T SEE THAT! NO! YOU DON'T! YOU PEOPLE DON'T EVEN... SEE US AS HUMAN BEINGS! WE ARE JUST THIS... MONSTER THAT CAN'T BE TAMMED! WELL NEWSFLASH: WE ARE HUMAN AND WE HAVE FEELINGS TOO! So stop writing stupid shit in your stupid little notebook AND MAYBE AT LEAST TRY TO HELP BECAUSE YOU AREN'T!" Sarah screamed at Jane's face, spitting out her words at her. Sarah was then pulled back by her shoulders by two male guards. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" Sarah shrieked as she tried to break free from the guards grip but they were way stronger. The guards dragged Sarah into a room, throwing her inside. They slammed and locked the door, walking away. Sarah stood up, banging her hand on the window on the door which was the only window in the room. "LET ME OUT!" Sarah screamed loudly. The room that surrounded her was a small space and it was very claustrophobic. Everything in this room was white and there was not another colour in this room. It was just white.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2020 ⏰

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