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All I can do right now is stare at this blank wall. It looks like what I need to feel right now: Nothing.

"Hey," Cullen said, cautiously opening the door. "What's up with you?" I felt the bed dip down beside me and I rolled over so that my light blue eyes met Cullen's brown ones.

"What do you mean?" I quizzed. Our eyes were locked and I could tell, by the way he looked at me, he knew something was wrong.

"C'mon, Bridgette.. I know something is wrong. You are playing 'Black Cat' on repeat.." He chuckled. I smiled, loving that he knows what song I listen to when I'm in a bad mood. 

 "Spill it, Bridge." He sat on the edge of the bed, searching my face for answers. I sat up at the edge of the bed, beside him. I gulped, "Okay, if you really want to know: Luke is being a jack-ass, and Kirsten is being more bitchy than normal. She could be on fucking 'Bridezillas'." I sat and thought for a moment, "No, I take that back, that is an insult to every girl who has ever been on that show." I said, chuckling.

Okay, yes, I admit that Luke and Kirsten are getting to me. It pisses me off more than it should. Kirsten has always been really sassy, I always just put up with it. All through out high school I was the third wheel; It sucked balls. Again, I just kept my mouth shut.

After I graduated I changed. I didn't care about what people thought about me. I threw profanities out of my mouth like a sailor, I drank like a drunkard. I was full of that teenage rebellion bull shit.

Honestly, I still have that rebel heart. I just don't do things for the sole purpose of pissing my parents off.

Cullen nodded his head in agreement, "I see where you are coming from. I just think you need to let this all boil over. After the wedding she will be back to normal Kirsten." He smiled, putting his hand on my knee.

I smiled in response, and I bit my lip. I looked into his eyes, leaned in slowly, and kissed him deeply. I wrapped my arms around his neck, enabling me to pull myself closer to him. I climbed into his lap, making the kiss more heated.

He slowely moved his hands to my waist, and worked his lips down my jawline to my neck. He knows exactly what to do to make me go insane.

A soft moan escaped my lips, making him hum against my neck.

"Cullen, I fucking love you."

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, we were both flipped over where he was on top.

"I love you too." He said as we were both out of breath from our make out session.



I have been so busy

My life has been fucking hard and it has fucking sucked.

I just hope everyone is doing better because of yesterday's news from one direction.

I posted something on my instagram if you want to go look and see my opinion on it.


~tristen the terrible writer


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2015 ⏰

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