Wanna Dance?

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“Um guys this is the most expensive restaurant around here. How did you get the money to pay for this?” I asked.

“Oh it wasn’t hard, we just kept saving up and eventually all of us pitched in and we had enough to get us all dinner and all of us had extra for your birthday gifts.” My brother explained.

“Reservation under Spencer.” Sebastian says to the hostess who’s checking him out.

“Right this way please.” She says to him. He lightly pushes the small of my back to get me to move forward and to get me out of my fascinated daze.

We sit down at a huge table in the center of the restaurant and the waiter comes to take our drink order. The waiter was about our age and he was really cute. He had black shaggy hair and big hazel eyes.

“Good evening my name is Max and I’ll be your waiter for the night.”

 He got everyone else’s order written down but when it was my turn to order he had all his attention on me and a big smile appeared on his face.

“And what can I get the beautiful birthday girl?” He asks.

“How did you know it was my birthday?” I ask shocked.

“Well there is a pin on your dress that says it’s my birthday so I took a lucky guess.” He chuckles.

“Oh yeah right. I forgot all about that. Haha I’ll just have a Pepsi please.” I say with an embarrassed smile.

“Ok coming right up. I’ll be back in a few with your drinks and to take your order.” He says with a wink my way.

As he was walking away the girls start to quietly squeal in my ear and laugh.

“He’s so into you!” Roxy exclaimed.

“Oh I saw that but I don’t think that he’s gonna do anything about it.” I say as Max comes back with our drinks.

“Alright is everyone ready to order?” He asks but looks at me as he says it.

“I believe so. I’ll have today’s special please.” I say and he goes on to take the other’s orders giving me little glances here and there.

“Ok everyone be back soon thank you.” He says then left.

We kept talking and eventually the food came out and we had an amazing dinner. But after I finished eating there was clapping coming from the front of the room. Max was leading the entire wait staff over to my table to sing me happy birthday.

“Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday dear Storm,

Happy birthday to you!”

They all sang to me and then Max set down ice cream down in front of me and told me to enjoy with another wink and set the bill down on the table. Sebastian grabbed it and they all got the money out for it while I kept eating with the help of my brother and the girls who kept stealing bites of it. That was when we all heard my brother start to laugh extremely hard. When someone asked what he was laughing about he showed us all the end of the bill. It said Max with his number and all my friends started to laugh but I looked for Max around the restaurant and when I saw him he winked and I gave him a smile and I tucked the bill into my purse.


        "So is everyone ready to go home?" I asked. It was starting to get late and I don't think anyone realized that I had to catch a plane in the morning.

"Hell no! We arent done with your birthday yet! We are going dancing!" Roxy yelled.

"Um Rox there's no need to scream in my face love." I yelled back at her. People probably thought we were crazy. We all packed into the car and headed to some club that my brother knew about.

About 15 minutes later we pulled up to a club called Populana. The purple and blue lights of the club were flashing and you could see a ton of people waiting in line. When we got out we didnt go to the back of the line we went straight up to the bouncer. My brother and the very large man started talking and then did one of those weird bro shake things and then waved us forward into the club. As i walked past the bouncer he told me happy birthday and i gave him a small shy smile and walked in. There was a lot of lights flashing and music pounding and tons of people dancing. My brother and the other boys went to the bar to grab some drinks even though we cant legally drink they will probably just get sodas or something well i guess my brother is 21 so he can drink. But anyways the girls and i went to find a table for all of us to fit. Once we found one all us girls sat down and started talking but one by one the girls were getting asked to dance and the boys were hitting on girls and i was just sitting there watching the girls have fun and the boys pretty muchstrike out. Roxy and Sebastians were the only ones left besides me and we were all talking.

"Girls i'll be right back i have to use the restroom." Sebastian says standing up.

Me and Roxy continue talking and laughing at the boys until Sebastian came back and taped Roxy on the sholder. She looked up and smiled and gave him a questioning look.

"Roxy you... Wanna Dance?" He asked.

"I would love to Sebastian!" She answers with a giant smile plastered on her face. "Storm are you ok with that? I mean i dont wanna leave you all alone on your birthday."

"No really Rox its ok go dance and have fun ill be right here when you get back." I answered.'

"Save me a dance sis, ok?" Sebastian says before walking away.

"Ok whatever you say bro. Have fun dancing with my best friend." I answer with a wink at him and Roxy.

Aaaannnndddd I'm alone.

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