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Jungkook's infatuation with him was as clear as the glowering midday sun and Taehyung doesn't miss it.

Taehyung could be blind yet still, he wouldn't miss the way Jungkook flushes and leans into him anytime he has the chance. The boy barely tries to hide it, more often than not he doesn't even seem to realize that smiling from ear to ear with a faint blush on his cheeks at your supposed-captor wasn't considered normal.

Taehyung had been sure to be quite mean to the human, though there are times when Jungkook's gullible attitude took him by surprise and made him softer than he needs to be, yet it hasn't happened very often and Taehyung knew he kept up his act quite well because Jungkook still thinks he is worth nothing to Taehyung as well.

So to find that Jungkook seem to grew a liking for him nevertheless agitates Taehyung severely. There's only one possible explanation to the occurrence, and that was; Jungkook finds Taehyung's physical appearance to be so ethereal that toxic manipulations and baseless aggressions couldn't stop the boy from falling for him.

The possibility made Taehyung's stomach churn with the ugliest sentiments he'd had to deal with for a while. If the man Jungkook sees in Taehyung were a real person, Taehyung would crush his bones and eat his flesh –

"Don't you want to know how look in my eyes?" the voice, calmer than quiet waters and the autumn breeze, caught Taehyung completely off guard due to the context it packs. He eyes Jungkook suspiciously for a split second as he regains his poise from being ripped off his thoughts.

"Um, no?"

Jungkook seemed perplexed at his answer, "What, why?"

Taehyung caught onto Jungkook's initial intention very quickly, smirking at his reclaimed composure, "Because, love, I would honestly be quite upset if I ever find out how different I actually looked compared to the man of your dreams."

Jungkook, flushed red, gapes at him and ends up having his words die down before they ever come out. Taehyung chuckles at the sight and soothes the human's tangled locks, when Jungkook leans into the touch Taehyung could feel his chest going dangerously tight, but he shrugs it off quickly.

"What do you really want to know, sweetheart?"

Jungkook's true intention is revealed to him easily and Taehyung feels a glimmer of hope that Jungkook perhaps doesn't just like him for how he looked, but then he stares down at himself and feels that there isn't a way for Jungkook to love his true form. Something ugly swirls in his chest and Taehyung wonders if his eyes was showing it –not like it mattered; Jungkook shouldn't be able to see his eyes change color anyway.

The spell should shield Taehyung's true features from Jungkook's sight; for all Taehyung knows all Jungkook sees from him are a pair of brown –or blue? Taehyung honestly doesn't know –eyes staring back at him.


Jungkook's fear in him never really went away, it's a fact that Taehyung took pride on because it shows that one way or another, Taehyung was able to carry out his plans as perfectly as he thought he would and had managed to end up with all the things he meant to acquire since the very start. Yet at the same time it pulled on his heartstrings to see someone he cares for looking at him like he's a monster.

Taehyung was clawing at both his and Jungkook's pants when he realizes the human was tense within his hold. "Scared?" Taehyung asks, playing the usual smug smile on his lips despite the painful wrench in his chest.

Jungkook tried to deny him, but he is easily coaxed into telling the truth when Taehyung cooed at him; "Okay, um, a little bit." –the human boy looked uncomfortable at best as he says that, and Taehyung took one second to look at himself; body hovering over Jungkook's own as his arms cage the human boy under him. Something tugs at his heart and Taehyung wonders if he'd always been this vulnerable to his own emotions.

Jungkook is scared of you, Taehyung tells himself as he had many times before, like everyone is and always will be.

Taehyung wants to dig a deep hole and burry himself in it, but against his better judgement, he pulled at Jungkook's frame and flipped their position instead. He thinks, perhaps, if he let Jungkook hover over him instead then maybe he can make himself look small and weak enough for Jungkook's taste.

"Stop being scared, I won't touch you tonight. You can do what you want." Taehyung is purring at the boy, but his throat felt tense and perhaps his voice was taut. This is a one-time thing, Taehyung tells himself, he just wants to see if Jungkook would like him better if he made himself smaller for the younger. Taehyung's body trembles in both humiliation and anticipation and if Jungkook notices, he doesn't make it obvious because mere moments later he went along with it anyway.

At some point, Taehyung finds himself nearly screaming at how rough Jungkook was being. He kept leaving marks at Taehyung's chest and barely took a break between his vigorous thrusts, Taehyung felt like he couldn't breathe. The boy was pushing his luck, but more than that, it seemed almost as if he was trying to make Taehyung break his promise, make him return every bite, ever scratch with the same amount of verve –but Taehyung thinks Jungkook doesn't know what he's even pushing for sometimes, and decides he should show Jungkook he could be as pliant and as obedient as Jungkook wants him to be instead.

Jungkook continues to flip him around and bend his body in half, Taehyung thinks that's perhaps pushing his luck a little too far, but he let it happen nevertheless –focusing instead, on keeping his claws and fangs on himself. In truth, Taehyung never really know if Jungkook loved or fear the scars and bruises Taehyung usually litter on his skin. By assumptions alone, Taehyung thinks Jungkook doesn't like it, but it is extremely difficult to hold back his desire to mark up the man he loves and Jungkook's fondness of him need to be kept at bay anyway, so Taehyung doesn't think he'll completely stop doing it even though he wants Jungkook to be at ease with him.

When Jungkook comes into him, Taehyung wonders for a moment if Jungkook is less afraid of him now and couldn't help but sob at the overwhelming sentiment. He tried smiling at Jungkook because he notices that Jungkook may accidentally saw him cry, but his lips tremble as something pierces through his heart.

He's thankful that Jungkook was high enough from his climax that he pretends not to notice, at least.


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