Intro/Authors Note

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Story Intro: After not being able to afford rent on your own, you have to search for a new place to live; with roommates. You move in with Damien and Shayne and they somehow get you a job at Smosh as an editor. Everythings going great until you have to come to terms with the fact that you want to be more than just roommates with Shayne.

A/N: Okay soooooo, I guess I'm writing another story now? Cool, cool...

This is another Shayne Topp x Reader! (Can you tell I'm literally in love with Shayne?) This is not smut, just a nice romance story, keeping it PG. Feel free to comment or message me with suggestions or any feedback in general, but please be nice! We're just having fun here, and by "we're" I mean me, I don't know what y'all are doing with your lives.

Also, if you're on a device that runs google chrome you should get this extension called Interactivefic. It basically takes things like "Y/N" and replaces it with actual your name or other personalized information in the story so it's like you're actually in it! Highly recommend.

Just some things you should know:

Y/N = Your name

Y/M/N = Your middle name

Y/L/N = Your last name

Y/N/N = Your nickname

Y/S/N = Your ship name (with Shayne unless stated otherwise)

(If you see text in bold and brackets, like this, that means it's an authors note/disclaimer)

Some chapters will have a second chapter from a different persons POV. I will differentiate this by doing a "part one" "part two" type of thing but just watch for the POV at the top of each chapter.
Some chapters will also switch POV's so keep an eye for that.

If you want to check out another Shayne X Reader go to my profile and see my other story "Quality Content" :) I also have a Smosh one-shots book that you should check out too!

I don't know how often I'll be updating but knowing me I'll get obsessed with this story so I'll be updating frequently.  I apologize in advance for any grammar or spelling errors, I can't catch everything. Okay, that's all, happy reading!

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