17. Most beautiful || Kou

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Thank you for requesting and giving an plot to follow, it certainly made things a lot more easier to write.

Again thank you for the support.

Also one of my boy cousin is being a jerk and I fucking want to punch him and I would make sure to make him say sorry for deleting this whole freaking chapter and being such a sore loser about me winning against him in an strategic game.



It was such a drag, such a drag to be so fragile. It's such a mental and pyshical pain to be so frail and have this freaking sickness that hit you when you were still a little child.

That caused you to go to the hospital for almost every week for check ups and you aren't even allowed to go out without a Butler to accompany you.

You hate it. You really do.

This time, you practically begged your parents to let you go and let you take a walk at the park nearby for your birthday.

Just this time.

Luckily after several hours of begging and disagreements, your parents finally allowed you but you still need to follow some rules like, returning before the curfew and atleast notify them where you're going.

And that leads to the present predicament.

"Ah finally, some fresh air!" You gleefully twirled around as you inhaled the air greedily. You may look weird but fortunately no ones in the park.

You never felt so free in your life, this is probably the best birthday gift your parents have given you. You felt like a bird in the cage ever since but having the taste of freedom is overwhelming.

There's no one to guard you, no one treat you like a fragile girl you are. You just want to be treated like a normal person.

Is it too much to wish?

You wish you were born like the normal teenagers, or atleast a bird so you can go anywhere you want.

Just then you tripped over some invinsible rock that was placed just infront of you after you twirled.

Cautions you guys, never twirl if you're at some random place or else you'll end up dizzy and trip.

You yelped in shocked as you felt yourself go backward but as you fall, a pair of strong arms ended up catching you and lifted you up like a princess.

Wink wonk.

You stared in shock at the man who caught you. You've watched many moments like this at some cliché romance scenes and still makes you wanna squeal.

'He's so.....cute' You found yourself blushing as you stared at your princely savior. It may be your imagination but is that roses and stars surrounding him?

While you were admiring your savior, Kou also found himself admiring and gawking at your beauty.

Pale skin, long lashes that compliments your beautiful eyes, naturally pink lips and soft wavy hair that goes well with your goddess like appearance.

'So beautiful and light...'

He blushed, he's certain he found the most beautiful person on Earth. After a minute of staring at each other, Kou finally let you go and set you down on your feet lightly with care.

He cleared his throat as the two of you awkwardly looked away from each other with blushes in your faces.

'Uggghhhh so awkward!' You thought as you fidgeted with the hem of your white dress. Meanwhile in the other side, Kou was having a mental crisis.

He doesn't know what to say, what to do, he wants to talk to you yet he's an practical awkward person.

He scratched the back of his nape as he thought of ways to approach you properly without creeping you out.

'WHAT SHOULD I DO?!' He screamed in his mind, internally freaking out.

It was another minute of staying silent and you finally had enough as you made the first move, it's the only chance that you can have a friend and have fun.

Hangout like normal person who doesn't have any sickness. Like a normal person who has friends and get to know each other.

"Umm thank you for catching me, I'm Y/N by the way." You said as you turned around to face him. Kou in return smiled back as he introduced back.

"Im Kou Minamoto, nice to meet you too miss!" He smiled back, finding your voice soothing as his nervous self eased up.

It seems the two of you hit off at the spot as the both of you became friends quickly and felt as if you knew each other for a long time.

He's the same age as you and just lives around the corner. You didn't tell him your condition just yet, you don't want him to treat you like a fragile person that everyone does.

You want him to treat as an equal, a person who's very healthy.

Just then your stomach growled, much to your embarrassment. You blushed as you apologized but Kou just waved it off with an understanding smile as he offered to treat you at an nearby shop that sells yummy treats.

You felt more alive, more complete. Your life complete by the sudden friendship the two of you had and the treating part.

It was nice to have something simple and delicious at once, though it's not filled with vegetables and ingredients needed to make you stronger.

The both of you laughed and teased and it was only for just a day until it was finally time to go home.

Of course you promised to meet him again - though it seems very impossible - and agreed to meet at the same place at the next sunday.

You're going to meet him even it means escaping and rebelling against your parents and risking certain things.

"Bye Kou-kun! I'll see you next time." You waved as you walked away towards the building you reside in.

(I like to think it's the Citadel in Final Fantasy XV but it's too grand lol)

"Bye Y/N! See you soon." He waved back, waiting for you to enter the building before going away too.

"This day is certainly my favorite..." Kou grinned happily as he jumped in happiness, earning stares from people who happens to see him cheering like an idiot.

He blushed profusely and laughed nervously as he ran away, going home.


"So how was your day Y/N? Did you have any fun?" Your mother asked as she stared at you who was grinning, barely containing your happiness.

"It was the best day in my life mom! I've never had so much fun. " Your mother smiled at this.

She felt guilty, wished she's strong and never passed this illness and weakness to you. (Ok I don't know, i just typed that in ahahah)

Meanwhile your father, being the strict and protective one, frowned and asked.

"By the tone of your voice, it seems you have made a friend. May I know who is it?" You were shocked at how your father predicted it.

Well he is your father...

"Ahhhh eheheheeh..." You laughed nervously under your father's intense gaze. You don't know how he'll react at this.

What if you said he's a boy? You're just going to hope your father's not gonna kill him off.


Ok I accidentally published this so I decided that I'll just do it then...

Thank u for reading, part two on the way....

U guys are probably waiting for Tsuchigomori part 2 but alright, im doing it..

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