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Barbara has never been a big fan of winter, she liked going outside, riding her motorcycle, having an ice cream on a hot summer day and other things that just weren't possible on this season. Winter used to be one of her favorite seasons, she'd spend time with her mother and it remembered her a time where she was... happier. Not that she isn't happy now, she is, but she misses how things were a long time ago.

The red head was thinking about that while sitting on a bench, quietly, patiently, basically daydreaming. Suddenly she feels a pressure on her back, someone threw something at her. She turned to see who was it, and then she heard a distinguishable laugh.

"C'mon Babsy! You gonna sit there all depressed and melancholic? I wanna have some fuuun~" The blonde sang. She was wearing black and red leggings, with a bright-red coat, brown boots with blue pompoms on the sides and a black sweater with a blue skirt. Her signature pigtails, now worn in a different fashion, with two buns on the side of her head. "Babsy? You alright?" She asked concerned.

Barbara quickly answered "wha-? Oh. Y-yeah, I'm alright." she bent down a little, and picked snow from the ground, and rapidly threw it at the other girl.

"Hey!" said Harleen playfully "I wasn't ready!"

They spent the afternoon having fun with each other, drinking hot chocolate, ice skating and just having a good time in general.

At the end of the day, they say their goodbyes and at home, sitting in front of the hot fire of the fireplace, Barbara realizes, that winter in not so bad. She falls asleep, and dreams about the day she had, not once regretting it.


Hello, it was a very short chapter, I know. It's just so you guys know I'm not dead I'm just like... super busy with life and stuff. Ah, by the way, I've never seen snow before so, I don't know if this chapter is very accurate, winter in my country is just like the rest of the seasons, but whatever. Hope you enjoyed it! And uhhh.., yeah thank you for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2020 ⏰

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