Falling for the Makeup Artist

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( Michael Jackson is in his Bad era stage in this Imagine. Michael Jackson fangirls will love this. Well at least I hope so LOL )


You were in the makeup room waiting for your former client Mr. Jackson to come in. As you were fixing your work place up by making sure everything was organized and straight, you all of a suddenly hear a tap on the door. Assuming it was Michael you called out, "Come in!"

"Hello" you heard a soft spoken voice say as the door opens then closes back within seconds.

"Hello Mr. Jackson. You can go ahead and sit down"

He walked over to the chair beside you and sat down like you said to do. You did your finishing touches on your workplace before getting started on Michael's face. The whole time you were doing his makeup his eyes stayed on you. It really didn't bother you much, but it was kind of odd. He never stared at you for this long before. He'll usually look somewhere else sensing your uncomfortableness and not wanting to be rude. Is there something on my face or..? you thought.

"Are you single?" he asked boldly and out of the blue.

You hesitated for a minute in full shock. Any time someone would ask that question it'll be because they were attracted to you and wants to know if you are available. You knew this from experience. Is Michael Jackson really attracted to me? Nah, I'm getting wayy ahead of myself. There's probably a valid reason why he asked this.

"I am actually. Why?" You said hearing the nervousness in your voice hoping he didn't catch it.

He slightly smiled at your response before biting his bottom lip.

"Just asking" he said shrugging his shoulders.

Something told you he wasn't "Just asking"
You just stayed quiet though. Not wanting to look ridiculous by making something out of nothing which you were clearly doing.

"How come someone as beautiful as you be single?" he said tucking a string of your hair behind your ear.

Your body flinched a little at his touch. His unexpected action made your cheeks get warm. I really hope I'm not blushing right now. Why am I getting butterflies in my stomach?!

"You think I'm beautiful?" you finally said with a shock face expression. It felt so surreal coming from him for some reason.

"Who wouldn't?" he responded letting out a light cute laugh that warmed your heart. Making you forget about how he's literally low key flirting with you.

You couldn't believe this. You wanted so badly to just scream and jump around like a crazy person. However, you can't let your fangirl side come out right now in front of him. Stay calm and take the compliment.

"Thank you very much. And to answer your question, I don't know why I'm still single. Guess I haven't found the right guy yet"

He nodded his head in an understanding kind of way. Like as if he was in the same state as you currently.

"I know what you're saying, although.."

He paused.

"Although what?" you asked genuinely wanting to know what he was about to say next.

"The right guy could be right in front of you. At this very moment"

Everything became quiet and tense all of a suddenly -- while as your brain was trying to process what this gorgeous man just said. It was like the only sound that you could hear was your heart beat. You didn't know what to say or do. You felt your breathing start to get heavy and your legs starting to get weak. Why is it getting so hard to breathe? Am I forgetting how to breathe correctly? What's happening?! He stood up from his chair making your chest and his chest touch. Then he places his soft thumb on your bottom lip and starts softly caressing it.

"Can I?" he asked. His beautiful brown eyes making direct contact with yours making you feel even weaker than before. Why is he having this effect on me?

You both slowly start leaning in into a kiss when..

"Mr. Jackson! It's about time for you to be on stage" someone shouted from outside the door. Which you assumed was one of his bodyguards or something. Why ruin the exciting moment?

"Well.. that's my cue" his tone of voice sounding rather disappointed.

You watched as he made his way to the door. He paused with his hand around the knob and turned around to look at you one last time before leaving. A little smile formed across his face following by another lip bite. You could feel his energy from where you were standing in which you blushed a little bit. Pleased with the effect he now has developed upon you, he turned back around with a smirk on his face and left the room. Once he was gone you took a deep sigh before collapsing down on the chair. What the hell just happened? you thought, laying your hand across your forehead.

(  *EDITED* End of the imagine. Hope you enjoyed )

 Hope you enjoyed )

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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