My sister is so unbelievable...

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My sister is so unbelievable…

My sister is so unbelievable

With how she deals with everything

She is strong and she is brave

Even if she hates it when I sing

She helps me when I am down

She helps me when I fall

She helps me get back up

She helps me with it all

She hates anything that is pink

But she loves black and green

She is one small girl

But a fighting machine

She doesn’t know

That I love her this much

So I will take this opportunity

To say such

I want to say that I love you

And everything that you are

Even if you don’t like clothes

And prefer to fix a car

I want to say that you are the best

Better than them all

I want to say that I am sorry

If I ever made you fall

I would like to say that you are my sister

And for that I am grateful

And that you my sister

Are freaking unbelievable

I dedicate this to my sister JAYMEE

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