Welcome to Your New Home!

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I open the door on the fourth floor and it lead straight to a room. Neat! I walk in and right away I was hugged by Celty. She pats my head with loving care.

I smile. "It's nice to see you to big sis."

She quickly types on her PDS, 'So how was the trip from England to here?'

"Gag, it was so boring!" I walk over with her to the couch. "I mean the prices are so high these days for flights!"

'Shinra would agree also on the prices, saying the economy is getting worse?' She replies and shrugs.

"Speaking of your lover," I look around the apartment. "Where is he anyways?"

I then look back at her. "I thought you said he was dying to meet me?"

Celty looks over the couch, then back at me. 'He's in the kitchen cooking food.'

I smirk and elbow her side. "A nice guy and he cooks!" I wiggle my eyebrows. "He's a keeper sis!"

Celty gives this feeling of blushing when I said that. I could tell sometimes since I've known her longer.

A short scientist guy with brown hair and glasses, wearing an apron walks in the living room. "Hey, you must be Kenoko!" He hugs me and I hug back.

I let go and smile, " And you must be Celty's lover, Shinra!"

'Oh quiet you!' She types angrily. 'I bet you don't know the feeling of love.'

I shake my head an laugh. "Don't need to when I love music and violence! Also if I did I wouldn't date a guy who's short like Shinra!"

Shinra pops a vein, "Do you want to eat or not?"

I shrug and stand up from the couch. We walk into the kitchen and started eating fried chicken with rice.

It was kinda awkward, so I stand up and bring my plate towards the balcony. Before I opened the door, I look back at them. "I'm going to go outside to eat for a while."

I open the balcony door and walked out. I closed the door and lean on the railing of the balcony.

The street gleams like the stars in the sky, but the stars don't run on anything like street lights do.

Until a vending machine was thrown my way. I drop my plate and grab the vending machine before it could hit me. "Whew," I said. "That was close!"

Someone steps on the vending machine, but the weight didn't matter. A guy with black hair and wearing black clothes was standing on the vending machine.

He smiles at a certain direction. "You missed, Shiz-chan~."

I look where he was looking. Below was an angry blonde bartender. "IZAYA!!" He yells and jumps up onto the vending machine. 

The weight then gets heavier. What is with this guy?! They then started fighting on top of the vending machine...THAT I'M HOLDING!

"HEY!" I yelled.

The two guys looked down towards me. I slowly hold the vending machine up with one hand and point at it. "Do you mind taking this hissy fight somewhere else?!" I yell and then point at my plate. "You guys ruined my dinner!"

They both gave me a blank look, but I continued. "I would like-" I bring the vending machine over my head. "Peace and QUIET!" I throw it into the street.

The two guys jump off and land on the ground safely. The bartender guy looked shock along with Izaya.

"How the hell are you strong like me?" Bartender guy asks.

I shrug, "Don't know bartender, you ask me."

"It's 'Shizuo', not bartender!" He yells back. "Now answer me!"

"Ask the people that know me." I playfully stick my tongue at him.

Izaya suddenly jumped in front of me, like he was observing me. He takes a pocket knife out and points it at me. "You're new in Ikebukuro, aren't you?"

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