Mad Directioner Part 3

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Day 3: Louis! The oldest member of 1D! So lately everyone is saying that he's becoming more of an *** since he's been dating Eleanor, but he really isn't. He's just growing up, just like everyone else in 1D, you can't expect to stay acting like little kids for the rest of their lives. Eventually, they're going to need to grow so they can get married and start a family. Their music is going to start to mature more, so what? Only true Directioners stay with then through thick and thin, and from their happiest moments to their saddest. As Louis grows up, we just need to grow up with him, we can't always be kids either. We need to start showing our support in the right way and so he can a more successful career. One Direction is just the beginning for Louis, there are myriad of more things coming his way, and we just need to learn to respect his choices.



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