Harry Potter x reader! (fluff)

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Darkness, that's all (y/n) could see, there was nothing ,she couldn't feel, see or taste anything . She tried thrashing but nothing moved, adrenaline pumped through her cold veins as she fought desperately to move, feel, touch but alas nothing was working. She heard something a voice...it sounded familiar, warm and kind "but shes important to me!" she knew that voice it was her best friend Harry Potter, but what was he going on about, why is it so dark?. right (y/n) focus where were you last....

well I was in the library trying to help Hermione and Ron with Harry's clue he got from his golden egg. Before she could come to a conclusion she could move again, the first thing that hit her was the freezing cold water of the black lake, then the sound of a cheering crowd she looked around frantically only to see Ron clinging to her and dragging her to the ladder to be able to get out, she remembered it all so clearly now Professor moody had told her, Hermione and Ron that professor Mcgonagall needed them, so they went to go see professor Mcgonagall and she had asked for the 3 friends to be put into the black lake. Alas after that it was all fuzzy.

(y/n) frantically looked round first for her brother Cedric then for Harry, she almost immediately saw Cedric over with Cho keeping her warm.'So much for saving your sister you prick' she glared before she heard a loud cheer escape from the crowd as harry was propelled towards her, rushing off to the side to avoid being taken down by the taller male she started clapping and smiling. "well done harry!" she cheered wrapping her towel around him, "for what?" he asked "I came last" The (h/c) girl shook her head "no harry! Fleur has been eliminated your still in the competition !". Just as she had finished telling harry about how he was still in the competition  Hermione came over with Ron and started adding more blankets to the already growing pile of warmth that covered Harry. "Judges follow me!" Dumbledore yelled walking off behind some people and over towards the teachers box that over looked the black lake.

Fleur came over to (y/n) and started hugging and apologising that she couldn't get to her and save her. (Y/n) and Fleur had know each other along time Fleur's father used to work in the ministry, before leaving for France taking Fleur with him. "Fleur its fine, truly calm down it's no biggy!" (y/n) said giving her, her biggest smile ever Fleur averted her gaze to Harry and Ron Immediately showering them in thank yous for saving (Y/n) even though she wasn't theirs to save.

Dumbledore walked back over saying a quiet "silence.." before putting his wand to his throat and yelling " S I L E N C E". Everyone's attention was now on him just as he had wanted " The judges and i have decided the places, in 1st place, Cedric Diggory" (y/n) ran over to her brother and hugging him happily "well done Cedie dad's gonna be so happy!" she laughed "get off me squirt" he ruffled her hair (y/n) laughed walking back over to the golden trio. " and after long evaluation and thought, 2nd place goes to, harry potter!"

(y/n) felt a pair of arms snake around her waist and lift her up she looked down to see harry smiling happily at her "well done Harry, see this is where you kindness gets you!" he turned red for a second "i couldn't just leave you down there....you mean to much to me" (y/n)'s eyes widen as a blush spread across her cheek "I do..?" she smiled, He chuckled "yes....(Y/n) Diggory....Will you be mine" he said giving you an amazingly bright smile. (y/n) had never nodded her head quicker in truth she had, had a crush on Harry since 1st year but she always thought he liked Ginny or Hermione. Harry leaned in a gave me a sweet peck on the lips before running off to some after party that was happening. (y/n) touched her lips "gosh darn it i fell for a loser..." she laughed walking to the hufflepuff common room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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