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Haley jolted awake from the sofa; she begged it to be a dream. Only to be alerted to the crude awaking to empty space. Her body shock and her eyes filled with tears and there was nothing to do but cry. Her brother was gone.  She stood from the sofa and went to her brother’s room and sat on his bed the tears slowly down her cheeks his jumper laid on his bed she picked it up and lifted it to her face. She walked to her room and took of her jacket  and throw it on her bed something fell to the floor, she turned and bent to pick it up, it was a crumpled piece of lined paper she unrolled it and there was one word scribbled on it, in very rough handwriting.  SCHOOL

Haley grabbed her jacket and ran for the door slamming behind her, the weather hadn’t changed it was still bitterly cold and as she ran it cut her like ten million knifes where piercing her skin. The school stood tall and the vines looked like large fingers grabbing hold of the building and pulling it uproot from the ground. Shivers rolled down her spine and made the vertebrates in her spine go stiff in shock , there was something strange about coming here, where her day had started and where everything had been so happy. The door slammed behind her and she felt a cool cross wind blow across the hall she shivered violently, her steps where in perfect sink as her heart beat which was going double time, after a moment she realized that it wasn’t just her steps it was a set of steps that’s why they were in perfect sink with her heart she froze, went cold. Hands grabbed my wait from behind, there was no time to scream as she was flung into a classroom her head banged into chairs hitting the already prominent bruise, she squealed.  Haley was kicked in the stomach she struggled for air as she was thrown around like a ragdoll.

Haley rolled into a protective ball, he hurled her around the room once again, and her leg hit the ground and made a strange sound as it collided with the marble floor.  She tried to stand and run but her leg sent an emergency message to her mind she crumbled under the pain, the man strode towards her again she whimpered “Please don’t hurt me!”  Haley was thrown into pitch black.


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