Chapter 32

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(...a few days later...)

T-minus four days until the night of the full moon, and after today it'll go down to three. For the past week all of us, including the betas and omegas, have been preparing for the fight in our own ways. Chenle was going out with Ten everyday to find some sort of spell that could help him defend us, and whilst doing that, Ten was training the wizard as his medical apprentice.

Getting little to no sleep was definitely taking a toll on all of us, especially for me since I still hadn't transformed into my wolf in ages. I knew that if I did transform I wouldn't be as tired, but I mentally refused to, and if anyone passed by they would freak out.

Again, I was stationed by the river, and sat by the bed of sand, allowing my feet to submerge into the water in order to keep myself up with it's freezing temperatures. This time there was no Taeil-hyung to keep me company, so I passed the time by thinking of different fighting techniques.

Jaemin and I had kept our promise to stay away from each other, and he hasn't come to visit me once since our last conversation which was a bit of a shock. Even I was having a bit of withdrawals from our lack of communication, but I tried not to think of it. The only thing that bothered me was how easily he beat me a few months ago. I was glad he was on my side, but if I couldn't defeat an Alpha-Omega, then how could I call myself a True Alpha?

Time passed slowly, but soon enough it was nearing three o'clock in the morning. The moon was at its peak in the sky, but didn't shine brightly.

My eyes grew heavy, and I knew I was close to dozing off, so I slowly stood and made my way to the edge of the river to splash some water on my face for the umpteenth time.

Rubbing my eyes, I followed the ripples of the water to the other side of the river. My senses immediately heightened when I saw a pair of bright red eyes, enveloped in darkness, looking directly at me. However with one blink, the eyes disappeared, but that didn't make me lower my guard.

A gust of wind blew through the sky, and it helped me get to my feet. I narrowed my glowing blue eyes, looking in every direction to find the vampire. Am I going crazy? I thought, taking a few calming breaths.

Just as I thought I was safe, I heard a hiss come from above me, and looked up only to be tackled down by a vampire.

Using my legs, I threw them off me, and rolled backwards to create space between us. That only led me deeper into the forest where two other vampires were waiting to pounce.

I was able to dodge a hand of sharp nails coming at me, but I had to jump back to avoid being kicked in the face.

It was three against one which made it ridiculously difficult on my part. I grabbed one of the vampires who threw themselves on me, and spun them around until they crashed into another. The two vampires fell to the floor, leaving me with one more to deal with. This one grabbed me by the shoulders, sinking his claws deep within my skin, making me let out a shriek of pain. The vampire lifted me up, the two of us still connected, and pushed me into a tree where the force created a small crack in the strong wood. I tightened my jaw, enduring the stinging pain I felt from the vampires sharp nails as I threw him onto the floor with my hand grasping his neck. Beginning to lift my fist, I saw the vampire's eyes widen.

"Wait!" The vampire shouted, putting his hands up to block my punch. I held my fist back, but I was prepared to throw it down at any moment. I narrowed my eyes as I looked down to the vampire who stared at me intently. "Y-You're Jieun's brother..." He whispered, nodding to himself.

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