Living a new adventure

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Rose never let go of the wall gripper. She stayed with the Doctor, eventually they got the courage to say they loved each other. Then they got married, the Doctor knew he couldn't die. But he would grow old. Then regenerate. But he enjoyed the adventure of a life. He and Rose lived on New New York, in Brooklyn. They only ever used the Tardis when needed to save the world, or to go to Jupiter when ever. Sometimes other companions would come along, but none were ever as important as Rose was.
Rose eventually got pregnant, the Doctor was very over protective of there children. Rose always laughed at it. He enjoyed being a parent to children that were his and Roses. When his daughter started dating, he almost lost it. When his son got married, he hugged him. When his daughter got married he cried. But when Rose laid on her hospital bed, dying, he leaned down next to her. He had grown old. Not regenerated yet, he kissed her lips. Then said, his voice almost like gravel from the old age. "I got to live that adventure with you, but I can't follow you to your next one." A tear fell down her cheek. And that's when she died. The machines beeped. There children cried, grandchildren cried harder because of there grandmother. Spouses comforted one another, but no one comforted the Doctor. After the funeral, he left New New York. He traveled around, but never felt that passion anymore, life wasn't the same without Rose. When he regenerated, he was young again. The Tardis started to crash and fall. It landed on earth, in a little girls backyard. He popped his head out, and he saw a little red head, named Amelia.

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