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The stars you see
When you rub your eyes

Do I have the liberty to enrol in that universe
Where stars and planets

Both can have the same recognition
They both can revolve at the time in same positions

The minds of full of creativity
The life which is stacked with enthusiasm

Empirical conceptualization
Burning flames inside with virtualisation

Place where no would deduce
Kind of breathing the air of self existence

With unbelievable dwelling perceptions

A locus
Where this thought persists

That crying or letting out your vows
Doesn't mean your not worth it
Since birth

It has always been a sign
That you are alive

I have attended many of jamboree's
But it seems to be crowded

And where no one notices
More of delicious meals

The holding hands get together feels
I don't find it captivating

The funerals
More decent with an aroma of silence
Tends to be a sanguine view

With those silent tears
Those unsettled fears
Feels equivalent to my soul
Nobody knows and no one says

What going on in their minds
Desolated is the way they stay

The site where no one has fears
They can have a religion to let them flow with those tears

Humans are not alive
Just the souls in them
I know they feel deprived

A place Where no one can develop likes dislikes
Pure hearts with bright smiles

A space where no one is lonely
Seperated relations

Undecided decisions
No broken hearts
Cause loving is a piece of art

The place where
Every one is with whom they belong to be with
They live in there own lovely little places

But the world which can be not true
I'd never get the chance to try

cause living hurts more than dying do

Would i never be able to feel victorious my only life

Will there always be a reason
To let the liquid flow out of my pale skin
With a slick of knife

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