Chapter 1

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"I'm sorry Y/N. There's no other way. You're fired."
"Please! I can't lose this job. I love this job! I didn't do it, I swear!"
"I'm sorry. Pack all your stuff and leave your uniform."
That was the last thing he said before you exited his office, closing the door behind you. Someone accused you of stealing money from the cash register. But you knew it was someone else. You couldn't trust the people you worked with. But then again, you were glad. You did most of the work anyway.
While packing your things, you left your vest and pants in the locker. Someone walked in, but you ignored them and you put your backpack on.
"Sorry about your job."
You muttered while kicking the door open, it closed hard when you exited.

~3rd POV~

As Y/N walked home, she thought about what she was going to tell her mom and dad. How they would probably accuse me of it too. She was a hot headed kid when she was little. She still is today. Sometimes she can't keep in her anger, it just randomly comes out. She used to get in trouble in school a lot. Only because she loved fighting and saving people from getting bullied. It was basically her favorite hobby. But the only thing that she hated was that they always lied, getting her in more trouble. She's 16 years old and outta school for now. Her parents are still looking for a school for her to go to. As punishment, she had to get a job, make some money, and put it straight in the bank.
Y/N was so lost on thought, she didn't see where she was going. She fell right on her knees, scraping them inside her pants. Luckily there wasn't any rips in her pants, but she could feel the pain and the blood bleeding through her pants.
"Damn it. I hate this-"
Before she could finish her sentence, she spotted a box. It didn't say anything, and it was by the trash can. She looked inside and saw a few cool stuff until she spotted one of them was a PS4 game called Bully. She gasped so loud and picked it up.
"My all time favorite game! Holy shit! Oh man, I haven't seen you in so long."
She talked to herself and smiled. She was so happy. This game was her life when she was little. She loved playing this everyday. That's where she got all of her fighting skills, cussing, and bullying tips from. This game saved her life.
Unfortunately, her parents didn't approve of this game and threw it away right in front of her.
She then opened the DVD case and took out the game, seeing it was still brand new.
"They must've been through the same problem as me."
She said while chuckling.
"Oh man. You're coming home with me. You'll have a new home."
She said like it was real person. She held out close to her and continued walking home.

As she entered her house, she found out that no one was home. It was just her and her old friend.
"Yess! Finally, I can play you without spending money!!"
Y/N said while heading towards her room, turning on her controller, putting the game in, and waited for it to download. She kept most of her snacks in her locked room. She wanted privacy more than anything. She wasn't old enough to move out yet.
After an hour, which seemed like hours, it finally downloaded and she couldn't help but squeak in joy, pressing the X button, waiting for the menu screen, but it never came. She pressed again, but nothing. All the happiness faded away.
"What?! No, no, come on. Please?"
She pleaded while the TV glitched and stopped working.
"Oh come on. After everything, you just couldn't work?"
She groaned sadly and tried to unplug the PS4. But it screen stayed the same.

 But it screen stayed the same

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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